This time we return with a guide with the objective of explaining to you How to reach the second coffin in Vampire Survivors’ Ode to Castlevania.
In the new Ode to Castlevania level for Vampire Survivors, the first coffin is almost a surefire tripping hazard. Almost touching the door, it's a wonderful location. But the second one calls just a little more searching on your part. Take it easy on me. I spared you the trouble of wall-humping by doing it myself.
Leon Belmont, a family progenitor, can be found in the first coffin on the map (Lament of Innocence). Without a certain, he has the best-kept hair of any Belmont. The existence of such a conditioner in the eleventh century was news to me.
My money is on the second casket being the most interesting. Julius Belmont, the most contemporary member of the family, hunts vampires there. Before making a triumphant return in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows, he made his debut in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrows. Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, a multiplayer spin-off, also included him as a playable character.
In fact, he plays a minor role in the Sorrows games. Do you have any idea how badass he is, though? Seriously, he defeated Dracula. Dracula no longer has to return every hundred years since he and Alucard vanquished him in 1999 and sealed his castle in a solar eclipse. This guy put a stop to 900 years of fighting. Okay, enough background on him; now let's talk about how to get him in Vampire Survivors.
When you gain the Scorpion Gate and kill the Puppet Master boss, you'll open a new region where you can find the second coffin. This space is a library, complete with seemingly limitless stacks of books. Looking at the map while you're here will show you the question mark in the area south of the entrance. But the map doesn't actually display it because it's in a grey area.
To go to the room with the second casket, you can't see any doorways. Looking to the extreme right of that location on the map will lead you to the secret section. The doorway between the first and second bookcases, if we're working our way up from the bottom. A stain of blood may be seen on the wall. To access the space, just push against it.
Touching the coffin when you get there will summon a ring of opponents. Once you’ve vanquished them, touch the casket to add Julius Belmont to your hero collection. You can also fight a boss and find an Arma Dio, which adds a Passive Item to your inventory.
He carries the Vanitas Whip as his weapon of choice. Arcana XIX, Heart of Fire, is where he begins. Since this is the case, his strength increases as his health decreases. When coupled with the Hollow Heart, the Vanitas Whip undergoes an evolution that is, well, satisfactory. Although it isn't the greatest whip and the evolution isn't particularly impressive, it serves its purpose. For your builds, I just wouldn't recommend it.
So we come to the end of this explanatory guide, now you know How to reach the second coffin in Vampire Survivors’ Ode to Castlevania, just do it and enjoy it to the fullest.