Discover All Field Upgrade Augments in Black Ops 6 with this excellent and detailed explanatory guide.
You should familiarize yourself with the many Augments available in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies and how to use them, as they provide various benefits. They have the potential to elevate your game strategy and provide you with a significant tactical edge. If you're playing Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies, you might come across these Field Upgrade Augments.
With so many options, it's helpful to categorize the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies augments into three main types: Field Upgrade, Ammo Mod, and Perk. All Field Upgrade Augments and their effects are detailed in this guide. You'll also find a list of Field Upgrades and how to unlock them. Alright, let's get started!
Method for Unlocking: Level 47
One minor and one major augmentable max are available.
Classification: Minimal
The effect is an exponentially longer Aether Shroud.
Classification: Minimal
Impact: Max charges are raised by one.
Classification: Minimal
When activated, your currently held weapon will reload in a moment.
Level: Advanced
Affected: All nearby players likewise become invisible.
Level: Advanced
Result: Quickly advance a short distance while destroying any ordinary foes in your way.
Level: Advanced
The Dark Aether energy is transferred to your designated melee weapon, therefore you should switch to it. Your time in Aether Shroud can be extended with kills.
Level 20 Unlock Method
One minor and one major augmentable max are available.
Classification: Minimal
Hit foes are slowed down by the beam.
Classification: Minimal
A one-level increase to Max Charges is the effect.
Classification: Minimal
Impact: The beam's size is greatly enlarged.
Level: Advanced
While in contact with other players, Beam heals and revives them.
Level: Advanced
Impact: The duration of Dark Flare is greatly extended.
Level: Advanced
The effect is that a sphere instead of a beam is sent hurtling towards nearby adversaries. When Dark Flare ends, the ball explodes.
Method to Unlock: Available initially
One minor and one major augmentable max are available.
Classification: Minimal
The effect is to make Energy Mine last longer or increase the count of detonations.
Classification: Minimal
Impact: Power For the next five seconds, mine will entice any surrounding Normal zombies.
Classification: Minimal
Impact: Raises maximum charges by one.
Level: Advanced
The effect is that three energy mines will float about you and will explode if a zombie gets inside their base detect radius.
Level: Advanced
Impact: Power The mine will break into three pieces, each of which will scatter and explode once.
Level: Advanced
To counter this, instead of planting a mine, you can set up a turret that fires at the closest enemy.
Method for Unlocking: Level 9
One minor and one major augmentable max are available.
Classification: Minimal
When used, this effect restores full health to all adjacent teammates.
Classification: Minimal
Impact: Lengthen the duration of Frenzied Guard.
Classification: Minimal
Result: Increase your armor repair rate with each kill.
Level: Advanced
Utilize stock ammunition while in a frenzy.
Level: Advanced
Effect: Upon activation, set off an explosion. When normal foes charge at the player, they take damage and fall to the ground.
Level: Advanced
In your vicinity, your teammates can also restore damaged armor.
Method for Unlocking Level 33
One minor and one major augmentable max are available.
Classification: Minimal
Impact: For a brief period, the affected player's damage is marginally amplified.
Classification: Minimal
Impact: For a brief moment, players who have been healed take somewhat less damage.
Classification: Minimal
When activated, this effect stuns Special and Elite foes and knocks down standard enemies.
Level: Advanced
This effect shortens the time it takes for health to regenerate and speeds up the healing process for all afflicted players.
Level: Advanced
Impact: The healing effects of the beams last for a little while after you leave the affected region.
Level: Advanced
Impact: All Perks on the bleed-out bar are retained by revived players.
We hope that this information about All Field Upgrade Augments in Black Ops 6 has been very useful for your enjoyment in this great game.