Lidia Rozo
2020-06-04 11:38:08

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Our tour of Valorant has allowed us to get a few buggy things, let's see how to fix high ping and connectivity

How to fix high ping and connectivity in Valorant?

This is not the only game that has connectivity flaws but at the moment we are focusing specifically on How to fix a high ping and connectivity based on some drawbacks that online games usually have, although currently this can become more complex because the Pandemic has obtained that many things can be stopped in the same way we have to focus on making some adjustments ourselves that we will obtain excellent results but it is necessary to follow some simple but interesting tips that we leave below.

How to fix high ping on Valorant?

It is necessary to consider that it is not the only game with failures but we will focus on explaining how to fix the high ping and connectivity based on the possibility of having some of these suggestions.

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  • The possibility of modifying the router configuration because by changing it we can probably get a better ping.
  • It is necessary to update the internet plan, as some are not good enough to run this game.
  • Choose to restrict apps and downloads while they are playing as downloads can be speed consuming.
  • Choose to limit active connections h and place Valorant as the priority.

How to fix the connectivity problem in Valorant?

Connectivity is simply the biggest drawback when we choose to play online, and this makes us have to consider these options:

  • Restart the router and start Valorant again.
  • Reset the router.
  • It is likely that we will need to restart our computer.
  • Exit Valorant and re-enter it once again.
  • Start the PC and run once more.

Servers can have some drawbacks and this can be somewhat complex because it is already out of our possibility to do so it is necessary to go to Twitter because it is only by this means that we can obtain information about it, but before proceeding to take this type of action it is necessary to consider that the game must be updated.

In one way or another, saber How to fix a high ping and connectivity allows us to enjoy Valorant more easily because this is easily an online game that I have waited for and finally it is to enjoy it.

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