Fabiola Rodriguez
2020-05-13 01:36:38

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Guide and tips on how to get radiant points in Valorant

What are radiant points?

In Valorant radiants are a type of coin that is used to upgrade weapons or other things in the game. These points cannot be used to buy agents or levels.

Skin gun levels are cheap. Around 10 points can upgrade a mask to level four, which is the highest mask level.

How to get radiant points in Valorant

That is why the profit of this currency is considered important. and to know how to get radiant points there are two ways to get the coin. The first is to play and earn rewards with the battle pass. Levels four and nine of the first week of closed beta offer 20 radiant points each.

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The other way is to buy them with value currency, which is bought with real money. For example, 20 Radianite points cost 1,600 Valorant points but will cost 2,000 at game launch if prices don't change until then. Two thousand VALUING points cost $ 20 in the store.

Now if we talk about leveling up your masks, it offers more in-game effects for your weapon's mask. Several examples of this are Reaver skins for Vandal, Operator and Sheriff can be upgraded up to level four, a difference from Reaver Knife skin, which cannot be upgraded.

If you raise the masks to more than level 2, you can get pleasant surprises from them for example Level three of the skin unlocks an exclusive reload animation, while level four grants a dark death animation.

Eliminated targets will disappear into the void with a speed animation whose color changes depending on the weapon.

It is very important to know that although you know how to get radiant points in Valorante, only two skin themes can be updated during the closed beta. The other tiered skins are the Deluxe Skins in Specter, Operator, and Ghost. Besides that they do not bring any special value to the game more than something aesthetic.

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