Daniel Hidalgo
2020-06-08 08:45:15

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In today's article on Valorant we are going to tell you how to fix voice chat not working.

What is the problem with voice chat in Valorant.

Before telling yourself how to fix voice chat chat not working, you have to know that talking to your teammates during a game is a really important question, and that this will allow them to communicate any important information the group needs to know about the enemy. Unfortunately, however, sometimes the game's voice chat stops working and knowing how to bring it back to normal will be important. This is why we are going to tell you how to fix voice chat not working in Valorant.

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How to fix voice chat not working in Valorant.

In order to solve any problem with voice chat, the first thing you have to do is go to the game settings and make sure that your microphone configuration connects to the game from the audio tab and pressing on the chat option voice in the middle.

In the voice chat settings, select the two upper tabs that correspond to the devices to which the voice options of Valorant will go, the output and the input during the game.

In case the above has not worked you will have to make sure to adjust the volume setting on the microphone, setting it to a higher or lower setting depending on how your colleagues listen to you, save and restart the client to start playing with the new configuration.

If the problem persists, we recommend you go to the Audio tab of your computer and in the privacy section you will have to allow its desktop application to access its microphone.

Also make sure to follow the game's social networks and developers in case the problem comes directly from them in any way and the solution is only in their hands.

 So we finished this guide on how to fix voice chat not working in Valorant, we hope that with everything we have said you have been able to solve this problem so that you can communicate with your colleagues without any problem when playing.

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