Tiny Tina's Wonderlands offers us more tasks to do, let's see how to align the columns in best Chums.What to know about aligning the columns in best Chums in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?
This is one of the activities that could be complex in a certain way and that we must execute in this game, so that knowing how to align the columns in best friends offers us the opportunity to get involved in an action to free Chums from captivity, this makes It is necessary to have to face a good number of enemies while we are crossing the dungeon, but it will not be all, here there are puzzles and tasks that keep us busy.
How to align columns in best Chums in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?
We must get involved in a Best Chums mission where we are allowed to access the Coiled Captors downloadable content and to complete this mission it is necessary to complete various tests and in this way manage to free an ancient being that is usually locked up.
It is good to keep in mind that each room is usually similar to when we start in the dungeon and even when there are only two of them, they are found in this way:
- Room 1: in this we must take care of turning random disks in order to break a seal and get to the last section of the room.
- Room 2: this is usually similar to the first and is full of ice, in addition to frozen sharks, it has three columns that we must align.
Now, to align the columns we must locate the three columns and shoot each of the disks that usually make up each column and these are found in this way:
- One is in front of the entrance.
- Another is next to the path of the temple.
- And the last one is inside the temple path.
We must take into account that we will notice some small lights in a line that tend to go up the column and it is vital to shoot each section of columns until the Seawarg symbol can be aligned with each light, once the columns are aligned these lights will turn off and we are shown an exit portal, we just have to be careful because when doing this task we will come across two marine enemies that usually thaw and therefore tend to attack us.
We can conclude this guide on how to align the columns in best Chums, so that it is enough to follow the instructions offered here and thus progress in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows PC, PlayStation 4 PS4, PlayStation 5 PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Genre(s): Action role-playing, first-person shooter
Developer(s): Gearbox Software
Release date: March 25, 2022
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
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