How to Unlock Every Temtem in Temtem Swarm

Paola Leon
2024-11-20 17:57:11

A delightful roguelike shoot 'em up, Temtem: Swarm is sure to keep you entertained. The goal of each level is to survive long enough to face and defeat the stage's formidable monster. Nevertheless, there's a bit of a catch: as you continue through the game, your foes will become increasingly powerful. To counter this, you'll need to level up your Temtem by investing in the skill tree. This will provide you a fulfilling gaming cycle and plenty of opportunities to retry the game.

Seven different playable Temtems are available in the newly released early access game Temtem: Swarm. Two playable characters, Platypet and Smazee, will be available to you when you begin a new save. In order to obtain a new Temtem, you must first complete a mission to earn an egg, and then you must hatch the egg in an event area. Based on the description, it seems like there are a few steps to unlocking each Temtem in the game. To help you out, we've put together this guide. It should be noted that additional playable Tems will be added by the devs in the future, therefore this only covers the ones available at launch.

How to Unlock Every Temtem

How Can I Get Eggs in Temtem: Swarm and Raise Them?

You need to obtain an egg, as stated earlier, in order to unlock a new Temtem. This will be dependent on your success in a certain boss fight. There is no way to make the egg you get hatch, unlike in creature-breeding games. Alternatively, you'll need to wait three minutes before you can get onto a stage. An event's availability on the map will be updated once this occurs. An egg-shaped icon will appear. To help you visualize it, we have captured a screenshot of the symbol (the icon located at the bottom of the screenshot).

If you go here, you'll see a blue circle on the ground. Please remain on this until the event begins. Then, the egg will appear on the map, and you must guard it for a limited time. Fortunately, securing the egg is a simple procedure. The egg will be available for pickup once the timer goes off. A new playable Temtem will be yours after the stage ends and the egg hatches.

We will explain each Temtem separately so you know what to do because they all have different requirements.

How do I get Oree to unlock?

Defeating Golzy, who appears on the Cipanku map at the ten-minute mark, is necessary to obtain the Digital Egg. Platypet and techniques like Water Blade and Toxic Ink can help you stay away from Golzy while dealing damage, which is crucial for early boss fights. Go back to the Cipanku map after that and, during the three-minute event, hatch the egg.

Innki: How Can I Unlock It?

After fifteen minutes, Nessla will emerge on the Cipanku stage, and you'll need to defeat her in order to collect the Electric Egg. Once again, Platypet is a great Temtem to use because they can switch between long- and short-range strikes with ease. The process of hatching the egg appears to be unrelated to any map. Just so you know, we held it at the Deniz stage.

Is There a Way to Unlock Pigepic?

Collecting and hatching the Wind Egg is the key to unlocking the beloved flying pig. Oceara will appear on the Deniz stage fifteen minutes later, so you'll need to defeat her to get this. At this point, you should be using long-distance move strategies such as Innki or Platypet. Get this egg open by going back to the Deniz stage and finishing the egg event.

Is There a Way to Get Houchic?

The Mental Egg can only be obtained by vanquishing Aohi, who can be found on the Arbury stage. After fifteen minutes, Aohi will show up on the map. You shouldn't have too much trouble with Arbury since it is one of the easier stages. If you want to beat the boss, your best bet is to have your Temtem fully matured. This is followed by returning to Arbury to finish the egg event.

How can I get Crystle to unlock?

Unlocking Crystle will require a few runs because it is the most difficult Temtem to do so. Gharunder will show up on the Tucma map after fifteen minutes, and you must defeat him to retrieve the Crystle Egg. If you want to beat Gharunder, you should level up Innki or Platypet to a respectable level before you start the run. We suggest equipping health-healing tools and learning long-range attack strategies. During our initial run, we were able to maximize our attack output by utilizing Platypet and acquiring gears such as Drill and Holster. During the Cipanku stage, we were able to hatch the Crystle Egg.

Platform(s): Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Genre(s): Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Developer(s): Crema
Publisher(s):Humble Bundle
Engine: Unity
Release date: January 21, 2020
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer

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