Ghost Cards represent the most elite level of cards in TCG Card Shop Simulator. Considering their value and rarity, these little gems are ultra-highly desired. It is tough to pack them, but there are a couple of things players can do to somewhat improve their chances of pulling a great item. As players progress through the game, they will unlock a slew of packs. Each player should be opening packs constantly, whether their goal is to obtain all of the cards in the game or to sell them for money.
The value of a Ghost Card can range from several hundred to over fifteen thousand dollars. In this tutorial, we will take a look at some of the best ways of displaying your Ghost Cards once we show you how to get your hands on one.
The Ghost Cards can be found in every form of pack in the game. In reality, though, it is highly unlikely to actually have one on hand. There are two different kinds of Ghost Cards: a full art legendary card and a full art legendary foil card. However, if you are that lucky to be having one within your deck, chances are that it'll be a foil card about even.
Ghost Cards have different values. The prices of Ghost Cards range from around $2,000 for the lowest quality cards all the way up to well over $15,000 for the most expensive. The chances of pulling a Ghost Card inside a normal Tetramon Pack stand at 0.1%. In terms of Destiny packs, these start to go up at 0.2% in order to find Ghost Cards. That would be 1 in 500 and 1 in 1000, respectively.
These virtual pieces of cardboard are pretty rare, hence a player should know a few things. For starters, you'd have to open thousands of packs just to collect them. Even then, you still can't promise that you'll choose them all. It will be some time before card trading and other features are instituted, at which time gamers will be able to trade their way into possessing all the cards. But that is not all there is to these cards, as there are a couple of other important features.
You won't find Ghost Cards in the Destiny or Tetramon files. There are these rare cards available to the player in each folder. You can pull up your binders with the R key to take a gander at them. Now, select Ghost Cards. There are 76 Ghost Cards for the player to collect. Obviously, when you do select a Ghost Card, it's put in your Ghost Card binder.
Having a set of Ghost Cards that are highly rare is something most players will want to show off. There are several display units you can purchase which allow you to proudly display your Ghost Cards. If you put these cards in a display unit they will never be able to be bought. Below are some of the pieces you can purchase to display your rare cards:
If you're wanting to sell off any Ghost Cards, there is a way to increase their value. Head to a Card Table on the day prior to selling these cards and select one of the pop-up events called either Full Expansion or Holo Heaven. Events of Holo Heavan increase the selling price for all foil cards, while Full Expansion events may bring the price of full art cards up.
We conclude this guide on How To Get Ghost Cards in TCG Card Shop Simulator, hoping that you apply the information provided and the search is simple.