Any farm in Stardew Valley would not be complete without a silo. Hay is one of the basic crops farmers who want to rear livestock prefer, and these tall, 3x3 buildings are where they keep it. Players will have quite a challenge providing decent nutrition for their hens and cows during the winter period without one.
A mad dash to construct one might ensue if players wait until they've started raising animals before realizing how important it is. Here is a brief outline on the construction and use of silos that should assist beginning farmers.
The silo is a great building to start off with. Compared to the other buildings, it is a bit cheaper and uses less materials. What's more, it allows players to store feed, which is necessary for maintaining happy animals and making quality commodities. The following items are required for players to build a silo on their farm:
You can purchase a silo from Robin at the woodshop with the above materials for 100g; the project will take two days to complete. Ideally, silos are placed at the farthest edges or corners of the farm to avoid blocking the path of the player. On the other hand, the player may choose to use them as decorations on their farm, based on their choice of layout.
Once the silo is made, players can store hay within it. There are many different ways to acquire hay:
Anything the player harvests using a scythe can be dropped into the silo. Additionally, players can add hay to their hoard by right-clicking on the silo while holding it, whether they buy it or receive it as a gift. The maximum capacity of each silo is 240 bales of hay.
You can click the Hay Hopper inside a coop or barn to retrieve hay from the silo. With this hay, you will be able to feed your animals in a trough. The players can also make use of the hopper to get all the hay out of the silo to store it inside a chest so that there may be some space for grass cutting.
An auto-feed system is included with the Deluxe Barn and Deluxe Coop, so keep that in mind. One can say goodbye to daily laborious feed trough filling and hello automatic filling. Because of this change, players can also no longer transfer hay from silos to other locations by hand. In order to avoid running out of hay every few days, it is helpful for players to have many silos on their farm if they have auto feeders and multiple animals.
Above, we determined the silo is a fantastic first structure for the farm. In most new players' rush to start their livestock, they neglect having a silo on their farm and build a barn or coop instead. This makes feeding animals nearly impossible unless the player has a grassy area outside the farm already.
The beginning of the game will have the player clearing out the overgrown area in order to make room for planting and construction - this means a lot of grass cutting. If the player doesn't have a silo on their property, they're wasting hay supplies. Keeping that in mind, players should prioritize constructing a Silo - or two, at the least.
As preparation for winter is under way, it is very important that hay be stored in the silo(s). During this time of year, animals prefer the comfort of a barn or coop rather than being out in the elements grazing. This means the silo becomes a necessity for storing hay. The player's farm will still have any remaining grass from Fall, but it will become dormant during Winter. This means it will be until the start of spring before it regains after a cut. Also, grass cut during winter produces less hay. It will be challenging to keep the silos stocked with hay during winter, so stock them before the seasons change.
This is all you need to know about How To Get A Silo in Stardew Valley, here are the important steps to achieve it easily.