Angel Marquez
2023-05-02 12:59:35

Our article will give you all the tips and tHow to Change Cal’s Hair and Beard in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor is a game that offers players endless customization options for their character, Cal. One of the most exciting ways to personalize Cal is by changing his hair and beard. In this article, we'll explore the different methods for unlocking new styles and offer tips for choosing the best option for your gameplay style and personal preference.

Unlocking new hairstyle and beard options 

Opening treasure crates 

  • Explanation of treasure crates: Treasure crates are scattered throughout the game's various maps and contain a variety of customization options, including new hair and beard styles. These crates can be found in hidden areas or by defeating certain enemies.
  • How to find and open treasure crates: To find treasure crates, players must explore each map thoroughly and keep an eye out for hidden areas or enemies carrying keys. Once a crate is located, players must defeat any enemies guarding it and use the key to unlock it.
  • What customization options are available through treasure crates: Treasure crates offer a wide range of customization options, including new hairstyles, beards, and even lightsaber colors.

Using Priorite Shards at Doma's Outpost Commodities 

Read Also:

  • Explanation of Priorite Shards: Priorite Shards are a form of in-game currency that can be used to purchase customization options at Doma's Outpost Commodities. These shards are earned by completing challenges or finding them scattered throughout the game's maps.
  • How to meet Doma and unlock the shop: Doma can be found in the game's second map, Bogano. Once players have found and unlocked the workshop on the map, they can use Priorite Shards to purchase new customization options.
  • What customization options are available for purchase: Doma's shop offers a variety of new hairstyles, beards, and even ponchos.

Choosing the best option for you 

  • Pros and cons of each method: Treasure crates offer a sense of excitement and discovery as players never know what they will find inside. However, they can be challenging to locate, and players may not always get the customization options they want. Using Priorite Shards at Doma's shop is a more reliable way to get specific customization options, but it requires players to complete challenges or search for shards.
  • Personal preference and gameplay style considerations: Ultimately, the best way to choose between these two methods is to consider your personal preference and gameplay style. If you enjoy exploration and the thrill of discovery, treasure crates may be the best option for you. If you prefer a more direct approach and want specific customization options, using Priorite Shards at Doma's shop may be the way to go.

Changing Cal's hair and beard is a fun and exciting way to personalize your gameplay experience in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. By understanding the different methods for unlocking new styles and considering your personal preference and gameplay style, you can create a unique and memorable version of the game's protagonist. So go out there and start exploring the galaxy, who knows what customization options you'll find!

SW Jedi Survivor

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