Daniel Hidalgo
2020-05-05 12:29:43

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For everyone who is wondering how to get a bolt action rifle in PUBG Mobile, we prepared this article covering it all.

  What are PUBG Mobile bolt action rifles.

Before telling you how to get a bolt action rifle, you have to know that these are one of the essential weapons in your inventory for secondary weapons, although you can also equip them as the main one, being perfect for ranged shots.

Among the bolt action rifles you can equip you have the M24, the AWM and the Kar98K, luckily we came to tell you how to get a PUBG Mobile bolt action rifle and we will give you the location of all three so you can choose your favorite.

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How to get a bolt action rifle in PUBG Mobile.

  • M24: This is one of the rarest rifles in the game, it can cut through a level 2 helmet in one shot and knock it out. It uses 7.62mm ammunition and can only be found in Miramar, Sanhok, Erangel Care Packages and Vikendi Maps.
  • AWM: The Arctic Warfare Magnum is the most powerful bolt action in the game, it can pierce through level 3 and lower hulls with a single shot, employing a .300 Magnum ammo that is rare in itself. This rifle can only be obtained in the Airdrops and Care packs on the Miramar, Sanhok, Erangel and Vikendi maps.
  • Kar98K: This model is one of the most common and least effective bolt action rifles can pierce through a Level 2 helmet, employs 7.62mm ammunition and the rifle itself, can be easily found in homes and military areas of the Miramar, Sanhok, Erangel and Vikendi maps.

In this way we come to the end of our guide on how to get a bolt action rifle in PUBG Mobile and now that you know how to get them all, you can choose the one of your preference based on what we have described about each one and your chances of finding them clear.

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