Planet Zoo: How to build Animal Habitats - Ultimate Guide

Angel Marquez
2019-11-07 15:38:50

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The content we will bring you in this guide has the explanation of how to build habitats for animals in Planet Zoo.

For each type of animal species in Planet Zoo there is a different habitat, you can even have a large mixed one, if we want to know how to build habitats for animals we are in the right place and at the right time, we will see it below. 

How to build animal habitats in Planet Zoo?

The first step is to check in our Zoopedia, here we will see which animals are compatible with each other to create a mixed habitat or simple as the case may be, if mixed we can mix the type of species for a single habitat we want, once we know this, we will start with the construction of the habitat, for the animals to coexist the habitat must be large enough, so we must have the land and other things necessary according to the type of animal.

By means of the veterinarians we are going to know if the type of animal is happy or not in the habitat, exists always in some way the way that there is a balance between all the animals that can be found in the same habitat, in the Zoopedia we will be able to find all that information.

Food and enrichment in animal habitats of Planet Zoo

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With Zoopedia we will have access to what we need to know about the exact food we will need for the types of species in a habitat, we will do it if we go to the tab Habitat in Zoopedia, in the search bar we will place the type of animal, this will appear the category for the animal, what we will see highlighted will be the food options and enrichment required by the type of animal we place to search.

How to maintain animal habitats in Planet Zoo?

It is of great importance to maintain a healthy and clean habitat, with water sustenance, to help us in this task we can have the services of the Guardians, the work of this staff is to help inside the habitats, the caregivers can also help the animals eat, for a mixed habitat will be ideal to have several caregivers.

The guide is finished, its content brought us the explanation of how to build habitats for animals in Planet Zoo, the usefulness of this guide may lead us to meet the objective.    

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