Angel Marquez
2022-09-06 10:13:55

Today we bring you a guide on How to beat Moonbane in Naraka Bladepoint.

What to know about Moonbane in Naraka Bladepoint?

It is about the dragon boss that appears randomly that turns out to be strange to see, we are talking about an important achievement to complete, now looking to know how to beat Moonbane in Naraka Bladepoint let's closely follow the details that this guide brings us below.

How to beat Moonbane in Naraka Bladepoint?

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Starting from the complexity at first glance, we have that it will be simple for us to solve How to beat Moonbane in Naraka Bladepoint, we only have to focus on stopping and countering attacks, considering that its appearance occurs through the highest-ranking players, what we can do by to have in front is to charge by shooting lightning, we have to make the charges deviate towards the soul of the boss, considering that it has 6 bars to go out, each lightning will take away a full bar, managing to deflect this attack we can defeat it very quickly.

We will not have a safe way that allows us to summon this boss, some requirements are required that can help us have greater possibilities, these being in the platinum rank, while in gold in some cases it can occur, during triple squad games comes to appear, which we would have to add a couple of players, playing the Herald's Trial mode we can invoke it, winning the Herald's trial and our companions staying alive at the end, finally noticing it in the lobby before the game starts can guarantee its appearance.

Finally, now that we know how to beat Moonbane in Naraka Bladepoint we can continue with our progress.