Angel Marquez
2023-07-18 07:19:22

Learn How to Block and Parry Attacks in Naraka Bladepoint. Our guide provides step-by-step.

In the exhilarating world of Naraka Bladepoint, mastering the art of defense is just as crucial as launching devastating attacks. To survive and emerge victorious in the battle arena, it is imperative to understand the different types of attacks and how to block and parry them effectively. In this guide, we will delve into the mechanics of blocking and parrying in Naraka Bladepoint, focusing on common attacks, focus attacks, counterattacks, and defense techniques.

Common Attacks

Common attacks are the bread and butter of every warrior in Naraka Bladepoint. These attacks are fast, versatile, and typically deal moderate damage. Understanding the characteristics of common attacks is essential to effectively defend against them.

It's important to note that common attacks are unaffected by counters. Counters, which we will explore in more detail later, excel at blocking and parrying focus attacks but are ineffective against common attacks. Therefore, when facing an onslaught of common attacks, relying solely on counters will leave you vulnerable to your opponent's strikes.

Focus Attacks

Focus attacks are powerful and devastating moves that can turn the tide of battle in an instant. These attacks are slower but deal significant damage and often possess unique properties. Understanding the characteristics of focus attacks is crucial to effectively defend against them.

Unlike common attacks, focus attacks can be blocked by counters. When facing a focus attack, executing a counter at the right moment will allow you to block and parry the incoming strike, negating its damage and creating an opportunity for a devastating counterattack.

It's important to note that focus attacks are immune to interruption from common attacks. While blocking a focus attack with a counter, common attacks from other opponents will not stagger or interrupt the counter, allowing you to focus on defending against the incoming focus attack.


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Counterattacks are a key defensive mechanism in Naraka Bladepoint that allows you to block and parry incoming attacks. They are particularly effective against focus attacks, but they also have other important purposes.

Counterattacks enable you to block and parry focus attacks effectively. By executing a counter at the right moment, you can deflect the incoming focus attack, leaving your opponent vulnerable to a devastating counterattack of your own.

Activating a counteraction not only allows you to block and parry attacks but also provides additional benefits. It can disrupt your opponent's attack rhythm, create openings for counterattacks, and even stagger or knockback your opponent, buying you precious time to seize the advantage.

Timing is crucial when executing counterattacks. Mastering the art of timing will allow you to effectively block and parry incoming attacks, creating opportunities for devastating counterattacks and turning the tide of battle in your favor.

Defense Techniques

In addition to counters, there are other defense techniques that play a crucial role in surviving the intense battles of Naraka Bladepoint. Dodging and clashing are two primary defense methods that every warrior should master.

Dodging is a quick evasive maneuver that allows you to avoid incoming attacks. While dodging is effective against common attacks, it's important to note that both common attacks and ranged attacks are not affected by counteraction. Therefore, relying solely on dodging may leave you vulnerable to focus attacks or ranged assaults.

Opponents in counter stance are vulnerable to subsequent attacks. When your opponent is in a counter stance, it presents an opportunity for you to unleash a swift and powerful attack that they may not be able to defend against. Exploiting this vulnerability can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Mastering the art of blocking and parrying attacks in Naraka Bladepoint is essential for survival and triumph in the battle arena. Understanding the different types of attacks, such as common attacks and focus attacks, and how to effectively use counters and defense techniques will give you an edge over your adversaries. By honing your defensive skills, you can turn the tables on your opponents, creating opportunities for devastating counterattacks and securing victory in the realm of Naraka Bladepoint.