Daniel Hidalgo
2021-08-16 07:59:35

Read carefully if you want to know how to use the grappling hook in Naraka Bladepoint, because in this guide we have it covered for you.

What is a grappling hook in Naraka Bladepoint?

This is one of the best ways to traverse the map, as it will allow you to reach higher vantage points, but it can also be used as a weapon, as part of your combos, and to escape combat.

How to use the grappling hook in Naraka Bladepoint?

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To use the hook, the first thing you have to do is equip it and press the Q key on the mouse and keyboard or the LT button on the controller> then point to another player so that the reticle locks on him and turns red> press the Attack button to shoot the hook at the player.

While in the air, you will have to press the left mouse button or RB to make a horizontal attack.

Remember that each weapon will perform a different attack, but this is usually a light burst of blows. When you press the right mouse button or RT, the focus attack will be performed, which can launch or stun your enemy.

You can also enter an early attack to break your grappling hook in case the enemy is ready to strike back.

That's all you need to know about how to use the grappling hook in Naraka Bladepoint and now that you know it, we hope that you will be able to get the most out of this tool to eliminate all the enemies that cross in front of you.