Lidia Rozo
2024-04-29 13:46:02

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In today's guide, we will explain everything about How to increase approval rating in Manor Lords.

What to know about increasing the approval rating in Manor Lords?

Knowing how to increase your approval rating in Lords of the Manors is a good idea. If we want to succeed as rulers of the lords, we must make our people happy. If we do not care about the villagers, they will seek to abandon our farms in search of better living conditions, which is why we invite you to continue reading as we offer information of interest.

How to increase approval rating in Manor Lords?

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Our acceptance rate measures our popularity among villagers and affects the population growth and morale of our militia. It goes from 0% to 100%, and ideally it should always be above 80%. A high approval rating usually attracts new residents, and if it falls below 50%, our citizens will gradually leave our city.

It is vital to have food and fuel and villagers often ask for a lot, but first we must have enough food and fuel. The best way to have enough food is to build enough hunting camps and tents. Likewise, we will have to build a chicken coop and a garden in the backyard of the villager's house.

To keep our residents warm, we will collect enough firewood and then build a brazier to produce charcoal. We will really need it if we want to expand our city and prepare all our residents for winter. When they are full and warm, they usually order more diverse foods from the market. Everything will be fine as long as we have berries, meat and eggs, but we also have the option of investing in farmland to bake bread. This requires some effort, so if we want to quickly get a variety of products from the market, we can import other types of products through the trading station.

As we begin to improve our city, our citizens will want better clothes, we can make our own clothes if we have sheep that will give us wool, berries to dye fabrics in the weaving workshop, also, leather for the tannery and a level 2 craftsman from the shoemaker and tailor shop in the Burgege area. Another option is to import clothes from the Trading Post to improve the quality of life of the villagers.

Creating churches near houses can be favorable to us, since this is the most important building that will increase our status in Manor Lords. The people of the village usually respect the presence of God near their homes, it increases general happiness. We can, hire a family to work there and move to the Stone Church as soon as possible.

Another viable option is to build a pub where locals can drink beer and talk about how much they respect each other. However, we need to upgrade our city to level 2 and make sure we brew our own beer using the resources we grow or import the ingredients needed for our brewery.

If you follow these steps on How to Increase Approval Rating in Manor Lords, you can be a successful ruler.

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