Where to Find All Frozen Tablets in Luma Island

Lidia Rozo
2024-12-10 19:02:05

Discover Where to Find All Frozen Tablets in Luma Island with our explanatory guide today.

Each biome on Luma Island features a Temple waiting to be unlocked, leading you to a unique Ancient Key. This key is essential for accessing the main Temple in Town, where you can uncover the island's hidden secrets. The Mountain holds three elusive Frozen Tablets essential for your entry into the Temple, and acquiring them is no simple task.

Discover each Tablet nestled within the Mountain Temples, where the experience mirrors that of the Temples in the Farm and the Forest. Prepare to navigate through a series of dungeon-like rooms, overcoming challenges to claim your reward at the journey's end. Discover the locations of these Temples and learn the steps required to navigate through each room with ease.

Where to Find All Frozen Tablets in Luma Island?

Discover the first Frozen Tablet nestled within the Forgotten Mountain Temple, located in the far West of the map. Upon arriving at the Mountain, take the left path and keep going until you reach the end. The Temple stands majestically at the cliff's edge, overlooking serene ponds below.

To unlock the Temple door, activate the three nearby stone pillars within a specific timeframe. To reach the third one, you'll also need to fix the bridge directly opposite the Temple. For a smoother experience, start by activating the stone pillar across the bridge, followed by the pillar to the right of the temple, and finally, the one on the left. Each timer is unique, and starting with the incorrect one means you won't reach the others in time. As soon as the temple opens its doors, you can dive into the intriguing puzzles waiting in each room:

  • To progress, you'll need to navigate a series of intricate puzzles and traps. In the first room, simply remove the spider web blocking the doorway.
  • The second room requires careful timing and precise statue rotations. Follow the path, minding the sawblade, and rotate the fire-breathing statue once. Return to the entrance, turn left, and rotate the statue twice. Circle the statue, follow the path, and dodge the floor spikes. Rotate the statue on your right three times, proceed along the path, and rotate the next statue once. Navigate around to the final unrotated statue and turn it once. Finally, retrace your steps to the room's beginning and ascend the previously inaccessible stairs, exiting through the newly opened path.
  • In the third room, eliminate the bats and cautiously bypass the ice crystal wall traps to enter the next chamber.
  • The fourth room involves a sequence of statue rotations and trap timing. Rotate the first statue on the right once, circle it, and rotate the second statue once. Return to the starting point, follow the path towards the door, and rotate the fire-breathing statue blocking your way once. Wait for the wall trap to activate, then rotate the statue to the right of the door once. Repeat this pattern on the left side of the room to gain access to the exit.
  • In the fifth room, dispatch the bats and wait for the statue to rotate away from the doorway before proceeding.
  • The sixth and seventh rooms necessitate precise timing to avoid icicle wall traps and self-rotating statues. Carefully navigate the traps to reach the end of each room.
  • The eighth room presents a long corridor filled with continuously falling icicles. To traverse it safely, adjust your camera angle to observe the icicle patterns and dodge them accordingly.

The ninth room is a maze-building puzzle. While it may appear daunting, it only requires six block movements to solve. Follow these steps:

  • Grab the first block and pull it twice.
  • Grab the left block and push it once.
  • Grab the middle block and push it once.
  • Grab the far-right block, pull it three times, then push it twice.
  • Follow the path, grab the block in your way, and pull it once.
  • Grab the final block and push it forward until you can reach the stairs.

The tenth and final room contains the Frozen Tablet and a new Luma Egg.

Location of Frozen Tablet B

Discover the Ruined Mountain Temple, where the second Frozen Tablet awaits, nestled higher up the Mountain. To reach your destination, just head East from the entrance to the Mountain until you spot the Temple close to the makeshift camp in the vicinity. A Snowman often confronts you directly ahead.

To unlock the Temple, simply ignite the torches scattered throughout the area. A hidden gem awaits at the Temple, nestled down a quaint pathway and perched on the cliff's edge. On the opposite side, another enchanting spot lies near a charming gazebo, also overlooking the breathtaking drop. As soon as you step inside, the adventure of solving the room puzzles begins:

To navigate this room, you'll need to carefully maneuver around obstacles and activate specific switches.

  • Room 1: Rotate the fire-breathing statues in the following order: right, second right, third right, door right, far right, left, and door left. Then, follow the path with spinning blades to the exit.
  • Room 2: Defeat the bats and carefully bypass the moving statue to reach the door.
  • Room 3: Loop around the moving statues on the right side to reach the exit.
  • Room 4: Defeat the bats and proceed forward.
  • Room 5: Activate the pillars in the following order: middle, left, right.
  • Room 6: Navigate past the fire-breathing statue and icicle traps, rotating the final statue once you reach it. Repeat this process on the left side, then proceed through the middle to the exit.
  • Room 7: Activate the switches in the following order: middle left, closest right, far right, middle right, closest left.
  • Room 8: Bypass the rotating statues and spinning blades on the right to reach the exit.
  • Room 9: Rotate the statues in the following order: right, far right, door right, far left, and door left.
  • Room 10: Navigate the invisible floor, starting from the leftmost light section.
  • Room 11: Quickly flip the left switch to deactivate the spinning blades.
  • Room 12: This is the final room, containing Frozen Tablet B and a Luma Egg.

By following these steps and carefully observing the room's layout, you should be able to successfully navigate through it.

Location of Frozen Tablet C

Discover the Forsaken Mountain Temple nestled higher up the Mountain, adjacent to a flurry of snowballs and just moments away from reaching the peak. To unlock this, you must guide the bird-like statues towards the crystal positioned at the top, similar to the second Ancient Temple found in the Forest.

You'll discover the first bird right beside the previously mentioned snowballs, so a slight backtrack is necessary to rotate it. The second location is directly in front of the Temple, while the third can be found beyond the makeshift bridge that requires repairs next to the cliff. After opening it, you'll be able to tackle the puzzles and obtain the final Frozen Tablet:

  • 1. Easy peasy, just keep walking!
  • 2. This room's a bit tricky. Follow the path and dodge those spinning blades. Use the little gaps to hide.
  • 3. Take out those bats and watch out for that fire-breathing statue. The exit's on the other side.
  • 4. No dodging those icicles, so use the walls and time it right.
  • 5. This room's got invisible floors. Start at the first block with plants, then just keep going, avoiding those fire-breathers. The last invisible floor starts on the second block from the right.
  • 6. Kill the bats and dodge the icicle wall. Easy enough.
  • 7. Gotta flip three switches fast! Flip the first one, head right, go down the stairs, cross the spikes, go up, flip the second switch, then backtrack. Take the other stairs, dodge the fire-breathers and icicles, and flip the last switch.
  • 8. Dodge those icicle walls and take out the bats.
  • 9. Kill the bats and dodge the icicle wall. Simple!
  • 10. Pick a side and dodge the blades. Use the middle part to rest.
11. Block-pushing puzzle time! Here's how:

  • Pull the first block on the right once.
  • Push the left block right, twice.
  • Pull the block behind it once, then push it to the stairs.
  • Push the last block forward once.
  • Pull the far-left block, push it, then push it again to the stairs.
  • Pull the next block, push it twice, then push it to the stairs.
  • Pull the next block and push it out of the way.
  • Push the block between the pillars to the edge.
  • Pull the last block in front of the stairs twice to make a path.

12. Last room! Grab that final Frozen Tablet and Luma Egg. You did it!

Utilizing Frozen Tablets Effectively

Unlock the secrets of the Long Forgotten Door to the Ancient Temple on the Mountain with Frozen Tablets, where an Ancient Key and rare rewards await your discovery. As you embark on your journey, you'll encounter Old Man Jeffrey, ready to welcome you upon your arrival. His location is conveniently situated near the entrance to the Mountain, just off the Western path.

To gain entry, you'll need all three Frozen Tablets, but once you unlock the door, the rewards will be yours for the taking. With the key in hand, head over to the Temple in Town, bringing you one step nearer to uncovering the secrets of Luma Island.

Now that you know Where to Find All Frozen Tablets in Luma Island, apply this guide to achieve the fastest search.

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