Ambar Jimenez
2019-02-14 16:59:35

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For years, there is a controversy in video games, since a lot of people consider that these games that are available to teenagers can make them more aggressive, so parents often prefer to avoid having their children have them. prevent violent behavior.

That is why a couple of researchers from the University of Oxford and Cardiff University decided to conduct a study in this regard, with the intention of verifying whether violent games can make young people begin to be more aggressive.

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Andrew Przybylski and Netta Weinstein published an article in the journal Royal Society Open Science, where they explain how their study of the controversy in violent video games was and who participated in it. These researchers did something that other colleagues did not do when they addressed this issue in the past, and that is not only focused on knowing the opinion of adolescents, but it was also very important to take into account the opinion of parents.

The study focused on surveying approximately 1,000 adolescents of 14 and 15 years of both sexes and their parents. Young people were asked questions about their gaming experiences, how long they played, the type of games that interested them and the classifications they had. In addition to asking you the crucial questions for your investigation; if they thought that video games made them have aggressive behavior immediately after playing.

The parents conducted a similar survey, so that they finally decided if their children changed their behavior and had considerable aggressive tendencies after playing.

Among the results of the research conducted by Przybylski and Weinstein, they determined that approximately two thirds of the children and half of the girls played video games. They noted that during the game, teenagers sometimes had fits of anger, played alone, accompanied or participated online. However, these reactions were not taken as relevant, since they attributed it to normal behavior by being competitive in a game.

Finally, the investigation concluded that both adolescents and their parents did not notice any aggressive changes or something similar. Therefore, there was no conclusive evidence to link the aggressiveness of adolescents with violent games, and much less were antisocial behaviors found, which makes it clear that this controversy in video games is not what many thought.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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