Joanna Colmenares
2019-01-15 02:45:25

Psyonix will allow its players to assemble a group with players from other platforms. This game that will be in a cross game this announcement has been reported by Psyonix, it is already fully operative, allowing to cross different consoles.

But that is not the only objective that this company has on the horizon: the next update of Rocket League will offer an improvement for the consoles of PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in any fast, competitive game, or in extra modes. The compatibility with PS4 is defined as "beta program", there are some problems but this will be solved in the not too distant future.

When Fortnite was launched for the Nintendo Switch, some followers started to burn the networks, the reason was not being able to connect their account in the game on the Nintendo Switch. Sony did not allow cross-play between platforms, and this caused something to be criticized for a long time. But despite everything has opened the possibility that the cross game is between the PS4 and other consoles.

It is now possible to team up with friends from other platforms to play private games, the company explains that the next update will enable the pairing of squads between players from all platforms for the rest of the modalities. This patch does not yet have a publication date, but it should not take long.

Psyonix remembers that the cross game is activated by default, but it can be deactivated from the gameplay tab in the options menu. The popular video game released its Rocket League Pass 2 last month.

The creators of this video game have always been in favor of offering cross-play in all systems, and we must admit that successful football on wheels is a great lend. Of course, the desktop will have to wait a little longer than expected. They have offered the road map for the future of Battle Cars starting with a good and not so good news: the cross game is going for 2019, but it is working so that PS4 players can compete with the Xbox One and Switch.

They will have to wait a little longer than expected

Rocket League: surprising mix between cars and football that goes well where the North Carolina studio does not want to get their fingers in the ad: it is aware that cross-play is currently in the beta phase in fortnite  and, logically, You need the express consent of Sony.

We have an update on the RocketID, the cross-game feature that many of you are waiting for impatiently. While our goal was to launch RocketID before the end of 2018, we made the difficult decision to postpone its launch in early 2019.

The good news is that with Sony's recent announcements about its cross-platform functionality, we can now make additional changes. To prepare RocketID for ALL platforms if we receive permission to do so!
in Xbox One X that will allow playing 4K, 60 FPS and with HDR support. A whole festival of acrobatics and explosions.

In a matter of events there is also much anticipated, starting with the Haunted Hallows that just started and confirmed that in mid-December the Frosty Fest 2018 will be held, offering players the possibility of obtaining themed items and a golden gift based on play .

As if that were not enough, the second Rocket Pass will begin in December, a way to add prizes and bonuses to the most dedicated players who want extra challenges.
Finally, Psyonix will continue betting strong with the Sports and summons the fans to follow the RLCS Season 6 World Championship to be held at the beginning of November in Las Vegas.

The Battle Cars of the Rocket League do not lose steam over time and, of course, the crossed game promises to give an even greater boost to their crazy combination of sport and driving. Whenever Sony is about the work.

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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