Ambar Jimenez
2019-01-12 04:32:51

In the world of video games, there are sagas that have managed to achieve the greatest success, and one of them is Call of Duty (cod), which is available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, managing to generate works that surpass those of Marvel Studios and Star Wars. This is what Activision said in a statement.

It's no secret to anyone that the Call of Duty franchise remains one of the most popular video game franchises of all time. Since Call of Duty Black Ops III came to market, we have seen it at the top of the many news related to monthly sales, and that is that only in its most recent delivery, Call of Duty Black Ops 4 , invoiced more than 500 million dollars in 3 days. However, the data that Activision has shared recently are even more scandalous. According to the company, the saga has already managed to raise more money than the very same film universe of Marvel and that of 'Star Wars' together. This event is undoubtedly something that its creator, Activision, has taken pride in.

In the statement the person responsible for the video game stated the following, "Call of Duty has become one of the most successful entertainment properties in history. As a franchise, the brand has generated more revenue than if we put together the achievements of the Marvel and double what Star Wars achieved. " These figures are so high that they come to say that Call of Duty will remain with us for many years.

Until today the MCU has raised about 17,500 million dollars. Only in films like 'Black Panther' or 'Avengers: Infinity War', have they managed to raise the spectacular figure of 2000 million dollars between the two. On the other hand the figures of SW have been a little looser in the last interactions in the cinema of the saga, with a relative success of 'Han Solo: A Story of SW'. Anyway, considering that 'SW: The Last Jedi' reached the figure of 1,321 million dollars at the box office, totaling an amount of 9,400 million dollars in total. Imagine, so great is the achievement obtained by this company responsible for the video game Call of Duty.

Now it is a little easier to understand the restructuring that the company has carried out recently, knowing that the three veterans of Activision go on to occupy very important positions at managerial level, among them we have Rob Kostich, general manager of sales and responsible for Call of Duty games, who becomes president; King's financial and strategy director, Humam Sakhnini, who will preside over this company and, last but not least, the company's chief financial officer, Dennis Durkin, who assumed greater responsibilities as president of emerging businesses. In any case, it should be noted that this news is really significant, especially now that we know the data that Marvel and SW have recently picked up at the box office.

Call of Duty games being a saga of so much success, it was expected that Activision is already working on the next installment. We remember that black ops 2black ops 4 can be enjoyed on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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