Ambar Jimenez
2019-03-21 14:58:36

Recently the Idai Cyclone has been creating chaos in southern Africa, severely affecting three countries such as Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. The catastrophe has been such that in Mozambique alone there are an estimated 600,000 people affected by floods that have finished homes, fields, crops, hospitals, power lines and communications. Given this, the Apex Legends community wanted to contribute their grain of sand, so they agreed to raise funds for aid in Mozambique.

Such collection is being carried out by means of the Shotgun of Mozambique, the most evil weapon of the game, characterized by having a triple cannon, and that is still the most ineffective of Apex Legends.

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Due to how ridiculously inefficient this weapon is, it became the best known of Apex Leyends, considering itself as a meme. Given the fame of this shotgun, a Reddit thread has been dedicated to helping the country of Mozambique recover. As it is said, it goes directly to the donation page of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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However, the community of Apex Leyends suggested some other ideas such as Respawn, developer of the game, make contributions for each death obtained in matches, with Mozambique; or the use of a special cosmetic skin with the colors of the Mozambique flag. We hope to see Respawn's decision, whether or not he was involved in the efforts for a charity.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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