Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How To Get All Oni Masks in Fortnite with precise details.
With the release of a thrilling lineup of updates to the well-liked Battle Royale game, Fortnite Hunters ramps up the intensity. Powerful weaponry and equipment, a Battle Pass with skins based on Japanese mythology, and much more are all part of this season's offerings. Still, the Oni Masks are among the more intriguing new features.
Unique to Fortnite Hunters, Oni Masks bestow supernatural abilities designed for either offensive or protection. Players can get an advantage and ensure victory in the Royale by donning one of these masks, such as the Fire Oni Mask or the Void Oni Mask. Learn about all the Oni Masks in Fortnite and where to find them with this guide.
At the moment, many players think the Void Oni Mask is the best mobility gear in Fortnite, so they go out and get it. While wearing the mask, players can teleport to the location of a Void Tear by using the Aim Button; once thrown, the mask can be tossed using the Shoot Button. The Mythic Void Oni Mask has 50 uses, whereas the Epic Variant has 15 uses and a cooldown of 5 seconds.
The primary goal of the Fire Oni Mask, in contrast to the Void Oni Mask, is to inflict damage against enemies. Pressing the Fire Button sends a directed flame missile hurtling at an enemy, dealing 100 damage. If adversaries are clustered together, each projectile has the potential to harm many enemies simultaneously. There is a total of 8 uses for the Fire Oni Mask, and it has a cooldown of 8 seconds. As an alternative, the Mythic variant has sixteen different uses.
Finding Oni Masks is a breeze if you just plunder the Elemental Chests. Boons and Oni Masks are two of the elemental items that players can be sure to find in Elemental Chests. It takes some good fortune to obtain either the Void Oni Mask or the Fire Oni Mask using this method. You can locate Elemental Chests anywhere throughout the Fortnite island, although your chances of finding one are higher near identified points of interest.
Defeating Demon Warriors is another way to obtain Oni Masks. Players can locate Demon Warriors in specific areas denoted by an Oni Mask icon on the map. Demon Warriors may or may not drop an Oni Mask; moreover, the type of Oni Mask they wield determines whether they drop a Void or Fire Oni Mask. In addition to Fire or Void Boons, Demon Warriors can also drop Typhoon Blades when vanquished.
You can get Oni Masks by looting chests, which is an alternative to completing boss fights or finding Elemental Chests. The Fire Oni Mask and the Void Oni Mask, both of which are Epic Rarity, are both available in every chest. But getting them in this manner is the luckiest.
Aside from the two assured ways to gain both items, none of the aforementioned techniques even have a possibility of acquiring either Oni Mask. One option is to make a Gold Bar purchase with Daigo at Masked Meadows. Daigo sells the Void Oni Mask as well as the Fire Oni Mask. But in order to acquire that privilege, players must complete all of his Mask Expertise Quests.
Another surefire method exists for those who would rather not deal with the bother of completing quests to get both masks. Located beneath the structure on the north side of Masked Meadows is Daigon's hidden workshop. Inside, players can discover a machine that is wearing both masks. The Void Oni Mask and the Fire Oni Mask can be found in this machine, which can be plundered like any other chest.
Players must defeat one of two bosses if they desire the Mythic Oni Masks rather than the standard Epic variety. Night Rose drops the Mythic Void Oni Mask at Demon's Dojo. Conversely, players must face the wandering Shogun X in Shogun's Arena in order to obtain the Mythic Fire Oni Mask. Every Oni Mask is just like its Epic equivalent, except that it has more uses.
Finally now that we know How To Get All Oni Masks in Fortnite we will have to do it to move forward in this busy game.