Lidia Rozo
2024-04-24 13:03:50

We have made a guide in order to explain where to find silver in Fallout 76.

What to know about silver in Fallout 76?

Silver plays a fundamental role in many weapon and armor modifications in Fallout 76. If we want to modify our equipment a lot, accumulating a significant amount of this resource is essential. This becomes even more crucial in the late game, where a wider range of mod plans are available.

Where to find silver in Fallout 76?

It is a similar process to how to farm lead in Fallout 76, acquiring silver can be very simple once we know the proper techniques and locations. Next, here are some of the popular places to farm silver and accumulate a substantial amount of this precious metal.

Silver Locations

Silver can be obtained by scrapping objects or smelting silver ore at a chemistry station, we can search in:

  • The scrap
  • Dining areas plates, forks, bowls, knives and spoons.

In the midst of knowing Where to find Silver in Fallout 76, one of the best places to collect Silver trash is the Whitesprings Golf Club, located near the luxurious resort. This location boasts of a high concentration of Feral Ghouls in Fallout 76, which have a good chance of dropping random junk items including silver. Additionally, the buildings surrounding the club may also contain some silver items, so keep an eye out. However, we must be careful as there is a possibility of encountering a Wendigo inside the club. If we have exhausted all options for hunting demons, we can go to the Whitesprings shopping center, there we will locate the Aura store and talk to Helena, who usually has a selection of silver items for sale.

Where to find silver ore?

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If we prefer mining instead of relying on garbage, one of the best places to find Silver Ore is inside the Wendigo Cave, located in Savage Divide, the cave is dotted with several veins of silver, and we can maximize the performance of each one by equipping the Excavator power armor from Fallout 76. This armor offers a bonus that quadruples the production of any ore vein that we extract, making it a very efficient method of obtaining silver.

Wendigo Cave also contains some Feral Ghouls that can drop the silver we need, the cave also has many Mirelurks inside, including King Mirelurks, likewise, there is a chance to encounter Wendigos here, so we must bring the best equipment we have. Clearing the Wendigo Cave can be very lucrative, especially if we are looking for brain mushrooms in Fallout 76. The cave has tons of these shiny mushrooms.

If you follow these steps on Where to find silver in Fallout 76, you will achieve it quickly and efficiently.