Lidia Rozo
2024-04-24 12:47:26

Access this practical and detailed guide on Where to find insect enemies in Fallout 76.

What to know about finding enemy insects in Fallout 76?

This game usually offers us various elements and when chasing insects, two places immediately come to mind: Aaronholt Homestead and Fort Defiance. For a calmer experience, the former is the ideal destination, but if we want to speed up our progress in Fallout 76, Fort Defiance is the place you should go. Regardless of our choice, the arthropods here are relatively easy to defeat: both areas are home to Bloodbugs and Bloatflies in the skies, while Fort Defiance is also home to giant ants on the ground.

Where to find insect enemies in Fallout 76?

Aaronholt Farm

This is a point of interest where we can search and is located in the northwest region of the Forest. It is a low-level location with minimal threats along the way, making it a favorable choice for beginners. Aaronholt Homestead is located slightly northeast of the Tyler County Fairgrounds and is usually marked on the map by the imposing Ferris wheel, we will just follow the road, and finally we will reach the farm.

We may find up to eight insects buzzing around Aaronholt Homestead. Although they pose little danger, they can be quite difficult to attack, we must send them as we see fit and, if we exhaust our supply of bugs, we return to the main menu and rejoin the game, this will place us on a different server, where we can find a Aaronholt Homestead repopulated for revisiting.

Strong challenge

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This pre-war establishment serves as an asylum and is part of this option on Where to find insect enemies in Fallout 76, it is usually inhabited by Feral Ghouls, Radrats and Radroaches. As you go through all the rooms, you will come across at least eight Radroaches clinging to the walls. Compared to Aaronholt Homestead, Fort Defiance requires more time to clear due to the considerable structure, but here we can also gain substantial additional XP by eliminating demons and rats.

If our only purpose is to hunt insects, we will go directly to the third floor. There is a high probability of finding bed bugs, bloat flies and ants there. We must be careful, as there may also be a Wendigo lurking around the upper level.

If you follow these steps on Where to find insect enemies in Fallout 76, you will be able to do it without much problem, try it, this game has a lot to offer.