Lidia Rozo
2020-09-23 08:41:53

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Knowing how to block definitely is an interesting task that allows us to perform Facebook and today we will tell you what it is about.

How to hide posts in Facebook?

Hiding cannot be called blocking, because the person can continue to see our photos and videos as well as those of publications, because what we are hiding is only the publications, since we consider that they cannot necessarily be visible in our Feed, of course this has a certain degree of relevance but it is not our main goal on How to definitively block for which it is necessary to click on the ellipsis on the right side and choose the option that you consider necessary from the following:

  • To hide a publication it is necessary to consider one of these three options:
  • We may choose to stop viewing posts from that account for a period of 30 days.
  • We may choose to permanently silence such person to avoid receiving their posts.
  • It is possible to hide the specific post and avoid some that may have similarity.

How definitely in Facebook?

Simply blocking is synonymous with isolating and knowing How to block definitively here allows us to avoid communication with any person, this allows us simply not to have to see him again, even though this social network can serve as an excellent communication bridge, something that It seems contradictory but somehow it can become a double-edged sword with which it is necessary to be careful, since it is necessary to understand the difference between blocking and just stopping being friends, because this second option simply does not hurt the friend, Well, they will not notify you, we only choose to choose to stop being a friend and that's it.

The idea of ​​this process in Facebook is to ensure that the person can never contact us, so we talked about How to permanently block, and for this it is necessary:

  • Enter the account settings.
  • Then access the Privacy section.
  • Then enter Blocks where we proceed to write the name of the contact to block.

How to undo a crash in Facebook?

This is a fairly simple task, since they are changes that we can make and for this it is only necessary:

  • Access preferences in the news section.
  • Then proceed to click on the option found on the Facebook main page.
  • Then locate us in the drop-down menu of the right arrow above.

Now that you know how to block permanently, it is time to think about it with a cool head, because it is not pleasant to regret it after a while, because in Facebook things become as clear as we consider it.

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