We invite you to discover How to get Metal Fragments in Duskside, a new task in this busy game.
The most tedious part of early gameplay in Duskside involves scavenging for wood, stone, and the all-too-dreaded metal shards, but it is absolutely necessary to go up the tech tree.
Metal Fragments play an important part in crafting Workbench Lv. 1, Stone housing, and other basic items you will need for your base, including better tools. You'll quickly move on to better resources, but finding Metal fragments can be somewhat of an art to learn for new players.
Duckside is a good place to look for Metal Fragments and other useful materials. The first thing you have to do, and it is the most important one, is finding Scrap Metal Barrels. You will notice them in human settlements on the side of cars or just lying on the ground. Holding down the left mouse button, you will smash those barrels.
You will get feathers and metal scraps out of the barrel after breaking. Collect them all because you never know when you may need it. Sometimes these barrels hide weapons and other resource bonuses which you may not need at the outset, but will be highly important later on. The Metal Fragments that you would need to craft basic stuff can only be retrieved by gathering a large amount of these scrap materials, so make sure to collect as much as you can while you go across the map.
Other players and NPC enemies are very likely to look out for other players to plunder them for resources. And an unexpected duck may well shoot your back and end your dash for supplies. You will have to start a new hunt and hope this time you wouldn't die, as your inventory is deleted once you die.
You can also come across other players who may be selling scrap or even fragments of metal that you could target, if you are feeling sneaky.
When you have enough scrap, hit the M key to bring up your map and find a Merchant. It is in these areas of the game that players cannot harm each other. Within these safe zones, you'll also find a Recycler, a public utility that anybody can use. These kinds of Recyclers also exist in the overworld, but using them you must be very careful because other players may kill you while you're on them.
Just put any scrap metal on yourself that has the yellow sign in the top right corner in the Recycler, and hit the Turn On button. This will convert your scrap metal into usable fragments with the metal recycler. The total amount you will need to make a simple level one workbench is 250 Metal Fragments, a batch of four to six, depending on what item you are recycling. You shall, of course, have to collect a great deal of metal scrap to achieve this.
We can conclude that knowing How to get Metal Fragments in Duskside is easier than you think, you just have to follow the instructions to achieve it.