Angel Marquez
2023-07-03 03:43:27

In this blog post, we will discuss several methods How to Fix Can’t Carry Anymore Bug in Diablo 4.

Are you experiencing the frustrating "Can't Carry Anymore" bug in Diablo 4? Fear not, as we have some solutions that may help you overcome this issue and get back to enjoying the game.  

Check Materials

One possible reason for the "Can't Carry Anymore" bug is an issue with the materials in your inventory. It is crucial to review and manage your materials properly to avoid encountering this glitch. Take the time to go through your inventory and ensure that you have enough space to store additional items. Discard any unnecessary materials or transfer them to your stash to free up space.

Furthermore, certain actions or combinations of materials might trigger the bug. Pay attention to any patterns or specific items that seem to trigger the issue. By being mindful of what you're carrying, you can potentially avoid encountering the bug altogether.

Change World Tier

Another potential solution to the "Can't Carry Anymore" bug in Diablo 4 is to change the World Tier setting. It's possible that the bug is related to the current World Tier you're playing on. By adjusting the World Tier, you might be able to resolve the issue and continue your gameplay without any problems.

To change the World Tier in Diablo 4, navigate to the settings menu and look for the World Tier option. Select a different tier from the available options, and then exit the menu. This action should refresh the game and potentially fix the bug.

Travel to Another Town and Return

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If changing the World Tier doesn't resolve the bug, consider traveling to another town in the game. Sometimes, bugs can be location-specific, and by moving to a different area, you can reset the bug and continue playing smoothly.

To travel between towns in Diablo 4, open the map and locate the town you wish to visit. Click on the town's icon, and you will be presented with the option to travel there. Once you have arrived, spend some time exploring the new area before returning to your original town. This change of scenery may help eliminate the bug and allow you to carry items as normal.

Turning Off Player Audio on Air

As a workaround for the "Can't Carry Anymore" bug, you can try turning off the player audio. This solution may sound unconventional, but it has been reported to help bypass the bug in some cases. By disabling the player audio, you might be able to carry items without encountering any issues.

To turn off player audio in Diablo 4, access the audio settings in the options menu. Look for the player audio toggle and switch it off. Remember to save your changes before exiting the menu. This adjustment may provide a temporary fix for the bug and allow you to progress in the game.

The "Can't Carry Anymore" bug in Diablo 4 can be frustrating, but it's not insurmountable. By following the methods outlined in this blog post, you can potentially fix the bug and regain your ability to carry items without any problems. Remember to check your materials, change the World Tier, travel to another town, or consider turning off player audio as potential solutions. Experiment with these methods and find the one that works best for you. We hope that this guide has been helpful in addressing the "Can't Carry Anymore" bug in Diablo 4. Happy gaming!

Diablo IV
Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows
Action role-playing, hack and slash
Blizzard Team 3, Blizzard Albany
Blizzard Entertainment
Release date:
June 6, 2023
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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