Paola Leon
2024-06-17 21:28:11

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Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How to Break Undying Thrall's Shield in Destiny 2?

Within the incredible world of Destiny 2 you will find a large number of challenges that you will have to overcome to continue advancing in the game's story, and the new Overthrow activity found in Pale Heart is proof of this.

Here you will find a series of mini-objectives that will appear randomly during the three levels that are presented to you and, although you can find some fairly simple objectives, there will be others that will give you more than a headache, and the slaves Eternals that appear in level 2 of the Overthrow activity is proof of this. That is why we explain how you can kill these protected elite enemies.

How to Break Undying Thrall’s Shield in Destiny 2?

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Neutralizing the Undying Thrall's Defensive Field

The Undying Thrall in the Pale Heart possesses a robust defensive shield that renders it invulnerable to direct assault. To eliminate this enemy efficiently, operatives must strategically exploit its environmental vulnerabilities.

Locating the Ward of Annihilation

The key to dismantling the Undying Thrall's defenses lies within the Ward of Annihilation. This Ward manifests as a luminous orange pool situated within the Pale Heart. Strategists recommend utilizing a reconnaissance drone or employing advanced scanner protocols to pinpoint the Ward's exact location promptly.

Identifying the Activation Beacon

Fortunately, a visual indicator exists to expedite the Ward of Annihilation's location process. A beam of concentrated orange light emanates from a nearby floating pyramid structure. Following this beam will lead operatives directly to the Ward.

Engaging the Ward

Once the Ward of Annihilation is identified, operatives must position themselves strategically within its perimeter.  Standing within the Ward's confines disrupts the Undying Thrall's defensive field, rendering it susceptible to conventional weaponry.

Maneuvering the Target

Due to the Undying Thrall's erratic behavior patterns, it may not readily enter the Ward's field of effect. Operators should exercise patience and utilize tactical maneuvering to coax the target towards the Ward. This may involve employing suppressive fire or deploying strategic distractions.

Elimination and Reward

Upon breaching the Undying Thrall's defensive field within the Ward of Annihilation, operatives can unleash their most potent weaponry to eliminate the target swiftly. Eradicating the Undying Thrall yields significant Overthrow points, potentially reaching 450. There's also the possibility of procuring an Overthrow chest, which may contain valuable loot such as a Pale Heart Engram.

This is everything you need to know about How to Break Undying Thrall's Shield in Destiny 2? By following this guide you will surely find it easier to eliminate these enemies and continue advancing within the game's story. You will only need to be attentive and follow the instructions. instructions provided, all while enjoying the adventures that Destiny 2 has in store for you.

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