Lidia Rozo
2023-04-23 08:40:14

Learn How To Dodge and Block In Dead Island 2. Our expert tips will help you stay alive and defeat those dangerous creatures. 

Dead Island 2 is a popular zombie-themed action role-playing game that requires players to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic world filled with dangerous creatures. In order to survive, players need to learn how to fight and defend themselves against zombies and other hostile survivors. One of the most important skills to master in Dead Island 2 is dodging and blocking. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to dodge and block in Dead Island 2.

 Dodging in Dead Island 2

Dodging is a crucial skill in Dead Island 2 that allows you to quickly evade incoming attacks. Here are some steps to follow if you want to unlock the dodge skill:

  • 1. Level up your character: In order to unlock the dodge skill, you need to level up your character to level 5 or higher.
  • 2. Find a trainer: Once you have reached level 5, you can find a trainer who will teach you how to dodge.
  • 3. Pay for the skill: The trainer will charge you an amount of money to teach you how to dodge.

Once you have unlocked the dodge skill, you can use it to quickly move in the direction of your choice while evading incoming attacks. The button to press for dodging is L1 or LB, depending on your gaming console. Benefits of dodging in combat include the ability to avoid getting hit, giving you time to plan your next move, and increasing your chances of survival.

Blocking in Dead Island 2

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Blocking is another important skill in Dead Island 2 that allows you to defend yourself against incoming attacks. Here's how to use the defense skill card for blocking:

  • 1. Find and equip the defense skill card: You can find the defense skill card by searching through the game's environment or by completing a quest.
  • 2. Press the button to activate the skill: The button to activate the defense skill card varies depending on your gaming console.

Unlike dodging, blocking requires you to stay in one spot and absorb the incoming attack. Blocking is useful for protecting yourself from individual attacks, but it is not as effective when dealing with large groups of enemies. In addition, blocking can cause your stamina to decrease, leaving you vulnerable to subsequent attacks.

 Tips for Successful Dodging and Blocking

Here are some tips for successful dodging and blocking in Dead Island 2:
  • 1. Practice timing your dodges and blocks: Timing is everything in Dead Island 2. The more you practice, the better you will become at dodging and blocking.
  • 2. Use dodging to get away from large groups of enemies: Dodging is the best way to avoid getting surrounded by multiple enemies. Use it to create some distance between you and the group, giving you time to plan your next move.
  • 3. Use blocking to protect yourself from individual attacks: Blocking is useful when dealing with a single enemy. However, be careful not to overuse it, as it can quickly drain your stamina.

Dodging and blocking are essential skills for surviving in Dead Island 2. With the right strategy and practice, you can become an expert at avoiding and defending against enemy attacks. Remember to use dodging to get away from large groups of enemies and blocking to protect yourself from individual attacks. Keep practicing, and you'll be sure to survive the zombie apocalypse in Dead Island 2!