Where To Find Eddie’s Toolbox and Landscaper’s Keys in Dead Island 2

Angel Marquez
2024-04-26 12:35:08

Discover Where To Find Eddie’s Toolbox and Landscaper’s Keys in Dead Island 2 in this excellent and explanatory guide.

What to know about Dead Island 2?

Despite being a game with undead zombies, this introduces a new threat, vampires, to keep us players on our toes. In the midst of searching for the landscaper's keys and Eddie's toolbox, players will come across a weapon that not only drains life, but also causes a toothy smile in Castlevania's Dracula, now with the purpose of knowing Where To Find Eddie’s Toolbox and Landscaper’s Keys in Dead Island 2 we can help ourselves with this guide and its content, let's see.

Where To Find Eddie’s Toolbox and Landscaper’s Keys in Dead Island 2?

After revisiting Bel-Air, we will have the opportunity to return to Colt Swanson's mansion and face new enemies, as well as acquire a powerful and spooky weapon. However, players must first defeat a grotesque gardener to obtain the landscaper's keys for Eddie's toolbox. Here's how to do it:

  • - Defeat Butcho the Clown during "Boardingwalking Dead Mission 20"
  • - Return to Colt Swanson's mansion.
  • - Navigate to the backyard next to the pool.
  • - Cross the tennis court (where we fought Couch Ace before)
  • - Climb the stairs to reach the backyard with the pool.
  • - Defeat Green Thumb Eddie

Let's prepare to defend ourselves, as Green Thumb Eddie will attack almost immediately. With his speed and power, dodging his attacks can be a challenge, especially with weaker zombies trying to hinder us. The best approach is to use a ranged weapon and aim for Eddie's legs to decrease his mobility. Once we are victorious, we recover the landscaper's keys from Eddie's corpse.

After obtaining the keys from the landscaper, we access Eddie's toolbox in Dead Island 2. To locate the toolbox, we will go southeast from our current position. When we get to the truck, we check the trunk of the nearby white car. Inside, we will find Eddie's Toolbox and its contents. Among them is the vampire machine gun, an exceptional weapon with the unique vampirism effect. This supernatural power allows us to drain the life force of enemies and restore our health when we eliminate zombies. In the dangerous late stages of the game, this ability can be a game-changer. Let's prepare to send some undead back to their graves.

So we come to the end of this guide, now you know Where To Find Eddie’s Toolbox and Landscaper’s Keys in Dead Island 2, just enjoy it to the fullest.

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