Today we bring you an explanatory guide on Where To Find LT. Lands Key in Dead Island 2 with precise details.
What to know about LT. Does the key land in Dead Island 2?
When we find Rose and politely ask her for the key to her mysterious warehouse, we will find LT and the key, Venice Beach's top lieutenant has a heavy revolver hidden in his safe. And after he dies, we can take up his mantle. However, L. T. Lands fought to his last breath when, as expected, he turned into an enemy zombie. Here we show you Where To Find LT. Lands Key in Dead Island 2 and we will help each other from here on out, let's see.
Where To Find LT. Lands Key in Dead Island 2?
We will find a boat southwest of Venice Beach. A white sailboat is parked there, we can get on it and enter. As soon as we get on the train we will see LT. He landed with his back to us. He turns into a zombie at level 28, but we can kill him in just a few seconds. We wait for it to approach the red box on the ship and then shoot to increase the power of the LT. Land. But be careful because sometimes there are two zombies on board and we will have to burn them both to access the LT. The continental key, we kick it and continue attacking with our melee weapon. He may have been a lieutenant, but in his current state, he is not scary as he can be defeated with just a few hits of our staff.
LT. Somewhere near where we found the key, Lands has a briefcase. It is located inside one of the three stores marked on the map. Very easy to find and it is not necessary to open a special door to take out the suitcase, once we find it, we open LT. We will get the Dead Island 2 key case and claim our rewards. There are shotgun shells and a devastating heavy-duty .369 caliber revolver. So if we are new to the game, this weapon can help us a lot in defeating enemies with just a few shots. But if you've completed the game, the power of the 369 isn't terribly destructive compared to our own weapons.
We can conclude that knowing Where To Find LT. Lands Key in Dead Island 2 is easier than thought, as long as the content indicated here in this guide is applied, which will lead us to progress more and more while having fun.
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