Call of the Sea is a very moving game and today it leads us to discover how to solve the constellation door puzzle.What to know about the constellation gate in Call of the Sea?
In the sixth chapter entitled Call of the sea we will find a puzzle once again, which becomes the penultimate to solve, with the purpose of having access to the sanctuary and completing the game, it certainly brings its difficulty as any of those that are They solved before, when entering the temple said enigma is presented, an interaction with the stone machine is required which will give us the constellation tattoo, being this vital, then to have an idea of how to solve the constellation door puzzle of the constellation you have to consider the following text, let's do it.
How to solve the constellation gate puzzle in Call of the Sea?
It is presented in the 4 corner of the room doors with the constellations, once we make an interaction with them, we are going to draw them in the diary, what we will do is go in the direction of the box that has 3 notes to copy them, having to The same in relation to the starry eye that is near the small fossa, this when interacting with it too, then you have to press the button that allows the release of the circular stones that are in the part of the sunken floor, thus having 5 different buttons, one of these causes a blue glow to appear, which allows us to notice the same symbol that was seen outside on the hand, when we stand on it, we must see the stones as front left, rear left, front right and rear right, then the front left and rear right stones must be pressed the buttons that are emitting lights, which will take us to the next door to grab the symbol of the hand, with which there is We have to look for the button furthest to the right and that must be glowing from now on to be able to access another door, from the machine we will take the symbol now.
We have a button that must be lit now, we have to press it, it becomes the second from the left, located on the front left and rear right stones for symbol 4 that is on the button of the front right stone, passing through the water area to reach the symbol that follows, reaching the end you have to press button 4, the stone that is on the back left, button 5 on the back right and when releasing all the buttons that are forward on the right it takes us to the place where is the puzzle room of the howling statue, then what we will do is return to the main room where all the 5 buttons are now lighting up, we press the button of the stone on the left background, button 3 on the right background, the button 4 on the right front and the 5 button on the left front, thus being able to access the door of the sanctuary to go to the end.
We can conclude that knowing how to solve the constellation door puzzle is easier than thought once we have these details from this Call of the Sea guide, so just applying them takes us forward.
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