Daniel Hidalgo
2021-08-16 07:51:50

Following the line of Axiom Verge 2, we prepared this guide to teach you how to get better water movement.

Why is it important to improve water movement in Axiom Verge 2?

This is very important because after moving through the initial stages, you will lose the ability to swim, as your new body is heavy and will sink you to the bottom of any body of water.

How to get better water movement in Axiom Verge 2?

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To improve movement in the water, you will have to get a "Liru", an enhancer that will give you a normal movement while in the water. This will allow you to dodge enemies, as well as jump onto previously inaccessible ledges. It is certainly perfect for finding new elements to improve your character's skills.

The best way to get to Lake Amagi and find the Liru is if you head south of the city that you first meet on Mount Ebin. Move to the left outside the city until you reach the lake, where you will have to advance to the mosaic of map 33,21.

Along the way you will meet some new enemies, one of them looks like a rock and then turns into a rotating blade. The best thing you can do when encountering these types of enemies is to run quickly and pass them without further ado.

Go straight to the Liru and grab it, making sure to scout the surroundings for health and skill upgrades, and then take on the area boss.

That's all you need to know about how to get better water movement in Axiom Verge 2 and now that you know it, you are ready to improve your mobility in the water dramatically.