This time we are back with a guide with the aim of explaining to you How to Fix Atlyss Multiplayer Not Working Issue.
A simple, enchanting, and utterly addictive experience! You might say that about Atlyss, and you'd be correct; the game is definitely causing a stir among players. You have the option to play it by yourself or join forces with others online. Now we can get to the meat of the matter: the in-game multiplayer not functioning, which is a common complaint among players recently. So, has this been fixed yet? Read on to discover the answer.
It seems that a lot of people are experiencing problems with Atlyss's multiplayer option. For example, they can't seem to locate each other's lobbies, and when they try to join using Steam invitations, they are immediately disconnected. The multiplayer features can even be completely broken in certain instances! When trying to join, invite friends, or search for friends, this may occur. So, what's the solution? Here are several solutions that we have already discussed.
Although the creators have not provided an official patch or statement, we do have several workarounds and suggestions that you may want to consider. Despite this, we cannot promise that these solutions will work for everyone.
You should try restarting the game first, and then your computer if that doesn't fix it. Launch your world with a character of your choice before you can play multiplayer in Atlys after a restart. You may find an invite button in the main menu once you're in the game. After that, you can create a session and invite friends to join.
Your internet speed, how fast is it? Verify that you have an active internet connection before attempting to connect to Atlyss. If you're using Wi-Fi and are experiencing issues, try restarting your router, connecting to a wired network, or even switching networks. If you're experiencing connection problems or high pings while playing multiplayer, try implementing all of these instructions.
If you and your friend are experiencing connection problems in Atlyss's multiplayer mode, try having them join your server with the "Worldwide" area selected. Especially when playing across different areas, this setting can address troubles with connecting. As an example, this method worked flawlessly when the user's Indonesian friend wanted to join the game.
Are you attempting to access a server that requires a password? There may be an issue with the server that requires a password to access Atlyss multiplayer if you are experiencing problems with it. Therefore, to handle it, you can attempt to launch it as an unprotected private server. Your friends should have an easier time joining now that the password is no longer required.
Another workaround that has helped some people is adding the game to a whitelist in their antivirus or Windows Firewall software. Launch your antivirus program to accomplish this. Try to find a menu item labeled "Settings" or "Preferences." To find the "Exclusions" or "Exceptions." choices, look here. The next step is to exclude the game's installation folder or executable file. Remember to save your changes before trying to begin the game again. Here are the steps to add the game to the Firewall's exception:
An other workaround that has been useful while Atlyss has been in early access is checking for updates and confirming the game files. To check the files, go to the Steam library, right-click the game, choose Properties, and finally, go to the Installed Files tab. Select "Verify game files" fro sm the menu that appears. If everything seems fine with your game files, you might want to see if there are any upcoming updates. Early-access games are known to get frequent updates to fix issues and enhance performance.
So we come to the end of this explanatory guide, now you know How to Fix Atlyss Multiplayer Not Working Issue, just do it and enjoy it to the fullest.