Angel Marquez
2022-03-08 08:03:46

We invite you to discover How to do a hammer throw, a new task in WWE 2K22.

What to know about the hammer throw in WWE 2K22?

  It is a special movement that can lead us to be successful in the game, being of importance in the matches and to know how to do it, it is ideal that we take into account the details offered by this guide below.

How to do a hammer throw in WWE 2K22?

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What we will do is grab our opponent by squeezing the circle or B, then we have to squeeze it again, but leaving it tight in the direction we are pointing so that our enemy goes, which allows the strangulation outside the ring and ending up in the floor, letting it fall against the ropes, tightening the circle for a second time, achieving a slight throw, which will make you look for balance being on the outside.

Once this movement is done we can add a diving attack, jumping from one rope to the other pressing the R2 or RT and the square or X button, managing to make a power movement that looks like a spear, it is important that we are back to the ring before 10 seconds because we will be disqualified, the last thing is the immobilization for the count, although we can continuously look for our opponents to finish outside the ring.

 Now that we know how to do a hammer throw, we just have to do it and get the most out of this special move in WWE 2K22.