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(Video) All Tsurumi Island Ghosts Genshin Impact Spirits

All Tsurumi Island Ghosts Genshin Impact Spirits Puzzles Solutions video. All Tsurumi Island Ghosts Spirits Puzzles Solutions Genshin Impact game walkthrough.

Ipe, Una, Boatman, Kito, Kana, Nonno, Chise, Shitoki, Abe Puzzles:
00:00 1/9 Boatman (Asks you to find all the ghosts and will give the final reward at the end)
00:51 2/9 Una Ghost Hints the Kito and Kina (and probably we have to wait 1 day for the next step)
01:48 3/9 3 Kito and Kina Ghosts Location 1
03:21 3/9 4 Kito and Kina Ghosts Location 2
04:09 3/9 5 Kito and Kina Ghosts Location 3
05:07 3/9 6 Kito and Kina Ghosts Location 4
06:23 3/9 7 Precious Chest Location and Kino's Sachet
07:33 4/9 1 Fish Ipe Ghost (Catch from fishing pool)
08:39 4/9 2 Ipe Makiri's Charm
09:29 4/9 3 Ipe Charm Reward
09:56 5/9 1 Shitoki Treasure Map Fragment 1 Conch
11:01 5/9 2 Shitoki Treasure Map Fragment 2 Conch
11:52 5/9 3 Shitoki Treasure Map Fragment 3 Conch
12:26 5/9 4 Shitoki Treasure Map Fragment 4 Conch
12:53 5/9 5 Shitoki Location A Treasure Map Left for Shitoki
13:34 5/9 6 Treasure Location
14:19 6/9 Chise Ghost (Find all Autake Plains Stormstones)
22:15 7/9 Rero Ghost (Rero Wife Grave location)
24:20 8/9 Abe Ghost (Mushroom related, doesn't have any puzzle so far, probably also daily gated)
26:04 9/9 Nonno Spirit (Play hide and seek 5 Nonno locations)

Inazuma Genshin Impact 2.1 patch (Seirai Island and Watatsumi Island) is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo.