Edelmira Leon
2022-08-15 20:32:58

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If you don't know how to get the hologram projector relic in Tower of Fantasy you have nothing to worry about, because with this article we will cover it.

What is the hologram projector relic in Tower of Fantasy?

This is one of the many relics you will be able to obtain in the game. Of SSR rarity, it will allow you to project a hologram of the character you are using, their weapons and movements. Relics, in general, can offer various effects that will be very useful in battle or when traveling through Aida. Each relic is different, so you will want to get them all to be able to obtain their effects. So pay attention if you want to learn how to get the hologram projector relic in Tower of Fantasy.

How to get the hologram projector relic in Tower of Fantasy?

Some relics can be found by raiding ruins, but others can be obtained as exploration rewards and among them is the Hologram Projector.
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In order to access this relic you will have to complete the exploration progress of a particular region, the Warren region. Here you will have to venture in search of the 1,035 exploration points that will allow you to obtain various rewards including the hologram projector relic. To do this you will have to open chests and supply capsules, scenic landmarks and finding points of interest for the first time in Warren.

The points can be found without a problem using the map and when you have found the little more than 1,000 points, you will receive the projector.

This hologram can attack using the weapon provided and inflicts 35 percent of the damage inflicted by the character. Its effect has a duration of 15 seconds and a reuse time of 180 seconds. Although both the duration and the effect can be increased the more you upgrade the relic.

That's all you need to know about how to get the hologram projector relic in Tower of Fantasy, so now that we're done, we hope we've been as helpful as possible, so you can get a lot out of this relic now that you know how to get it.

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