Today we bring you a guide on How To Change Your Morph Animal in Throne and Liberty.
Throne and Liberty presents you with an exciting world where you will live incredible adventures that will keep you on the edge of your seat at all times while you test your skills as a player and have fun in the process. Now, it is quite common to see the different player characters running around the server.
When you see them, you will want to know how they got the different appearances of their characters so you can get them on your own, including the appearance of morphed animals. That is why we bring you an explanatory guide with everything you need to know about it in order to unlock new morphed forms, so, keep reading and find out.
How To Change Your Morph Animal
To change the morph animal in Throne and Liberty, you will first have to unlock the morph form which you are going to use. In all, there are 12 morph forms available. You will be able to unlock them by completing various tasks and quests.
After unlocking the morph form you want to use, you can morph into another animal by performing the following steps:
- 1. Open the main menu.
- 2. Click the "Morph" tab.
- 3. Click the form of the morph you will use.
- 4. Click and hold down the "Add Designated Morph" button until it sets the new morph.
You will only be able to select the animal forms that you have unlocked. The rest of the options will be grayed-out on the list-those you still have to unlock.
Further detail on how to change your morph animal:
- You can change your morph animal at any time, even in the middle of combat.
- Your morph form automatically changes depending on what specific action is performed: dash, glide, or swim.
- You also have a "Morph Change" button that, when clicked, will change into another morph form at any moment.
- You can use the "Morph Preview" button to get an idea of how you look in each of the unlocked morph forms.
This is all you need to know about How To Change Your Morph Animal in Throne and Liberty, following this guide will surely make it much easier for you to change and unlock these new and exciting experiences that will make you enjoy the story even more. You will only need to be very attentive and read the instructions provided, all this, while you marvel at the content that Throne and Liberty has to offer.
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows PC
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