In this guide we have prepared everything you need to know if you are wondering where to find all the training manuals on The Last of Us Part 2.
What is The Last of Us Part 2 about.
Before telling you where to find all the training manuals, you have to know that this is an action-adventure video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony, whose premiere took place today June 19 and is now available to users. from PlayStation 4.
What are the training manuals in The Last of Us Part 2
It is a series of manuals that will allow you to try new ways of fighting by being able to improve your skills and the fighting system, for this reason it will be very important to know where to find all the training manuals.
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Where to find all training manuals in The Last of Us Part 2.
On where to find all the training manuals in The Last of Us Part 2, we have prepared everything you need to know to find each of the eight manuals that are in the game and we will leave it to you right away:
- Covert Operations Skill Tree: Unlike previous ones, this manual and the following are for Abby only. This manual can be found after being attacked by scars. The manual is on a boat suspended in midair.
- Firearms Skill Tree: Similarly for Abby, this manual can be found in the auto repair shop you find after meeting Yara and Lev, above a gray cabinet near a broken window and a water cooler station .
- Close Quarters Skill Tree: Abby's third manual is inside the Tall Apartment Building where there is a safe in a room next to a desk. The box code is 30-23-04 and when you open it you will find the manual.
- Artillery skill tree: The fourth and final manual for Abby is on the island where the scars live, where you will also find a huge truck with the loading dock doors open and right on the floor of the truck will be the manual.
- Crafting Skill Tree: Ellie's first Training Manual is at the Seattle Courthouse. At one point in history you will have to go to this place and you will find the book on a shelf next to a set of blue filing cabinets.
- Stealth skill tree: By the second, things are different, after Ellie is released from the WLF in Seattle, you will have to go to the bookstore with a Pride flag on the front. The manual will be on a table next to a typewriter.
- Precision Skill Tree: This manual can be found after the first time you leave the theater in Seattle and you have to find the Golden Liquor store and finish off some Shamblers in the basement. The manual will be next to a decomposing corpse next to the counter.
- Explosives skill tree: After leaving the Seattle theater a second time and heading to Route 5, you can find the manual on a bed on the second floor of an apartment building.
Thus we come to the end of our guide on where to find all the training manuals in The Last of Us Part 2, we hope that it has been as useful as possible and you can find all the training manuals as well as their respective skill trees as soon as possible.
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