Angel Marquez
2023-08-25 02:32:31

How to play as Johnny in Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Get game-winning strategies, tips and tricks.

Welcome to this friendly guide on how to play as Johnny, the "looks" of the Family, in the game Texas Chainsaw Massacre. In this guide, we will explore Johnny's unique abilities and provide tips on how to effectively utilize them. So grab your skinning knife and let's dive right in!

Understanding Johnny's Role:

Johnny is a character who excels at stalking, charming, and luring victims back onto their property. His main weapon of choice is the skinning knife, which he receives as a gift from his Grandpa. Unlike Leatherface and his chainsaw, Johnny relies on the high stun potential of his knife.

Playing as Johnny requires a different approach compared to other characters in the game. Instead of brute force, Johnny relies on his charm and cunning to entice victims into dangerous situations. His ability to stalk and gather information is a crucial aspect of his gameplay.

Activating Johnny's Special Ability:

To activate Johnny's special ability, simply press right-click. This ability allows him to enter a stalking mode where he can view all clues left by the victims. Clues can be anything from footprints to discarded items, providing valuable information about their whereabouts and actions.

To analyze these clues, press E when near them. This will reveal additional details about the victims, such as their current state of health or their recent activities. Gathering information through this ability is crucial for tracking down your prey and planning your next move.

Cooldown Management:

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It's important to note that Johnny's hunting ability has a significant cooldown period. This means that once activated, you will need to wait for a certain amount of time before you can use it again. Therefore, it is recommended to activate it strategically while other family members are hunting nearby.

By coordinating your efforts with other characters, you can maximize the effectiveness of your stalking and hunting. Communicate with your fellow family members and plan your actions accordingly. This teamwork will not only enhance your gameplay experience but also increase your chances of success.

Playing Similar to Leatherface:

Although Johnny shares similarities with Leatherface in terms of gameplay style, there is one key difference – the absence of a chainsaw. However, don't be disheartened! By substituting the chainsaw's brutality with the high stun potential of his skinning knife, players can still unleash havoc on unsuspecting victims.

Johnny's skinning knife may not have the same lethal capacity as Leatherface's chainsaw, but it can still incapacitate victims effectively. The high stun potential of the knife allows Johnny to immobilize his victims temporarily, giving him the opportunity to strike or lead them back to the property.

Playing as Johnny in Texas Chainsaw Massacre requires finesse and careful planning. With his stalking abilities and skillful use of the skinning knife, you can become a formidable force in the game. Remember to coordinate with your fellow family members and use your hunting ability strategically. While playing the game, it is essential to remember that this is just a virtual world. Enjoy the game responsibly and always prioritize friendly gameplay experiences. Happy hunting! In conclusion, Johnny's unique abilities in Texas Chainsaw Massacre offer players a chance to experience the game from a different perspective. By mastering the art of stalking and charming victims, Johnny can become a deadly force on the playing field. So, put on your charm and unleash havoc with your skinning knife. Remember, this is just a game, so enjoy it responsibly and always prioritize friendly gameplay experiences. Happy hunting, and may the Texas Chainsaw Massacre be in your favor!

PlayStation 5 PS5, PlayStation 4 PS4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows PC, Xbox Series X|S
Survival horror
Sumo Nottingham
Gun Interactive
Unreal Engine 4
Release date:
August 18, 2023
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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