Lidia Rozo
2023-09-14 05:03:03

Discover Where to pay off a Freestar Collective Bounty in Starfield Navigate your way to peace with our informative guide!

If you've found yourself in trouble with the Freestar Collective in Starfield and want to clear your name, there are several options available to pay off your bounty. This guide will walk you through the steps to resolve your criminal status and regain your freedom on United Colony planets.

Section 1: Locating Self-Serve Bounty Kiosks

Starfield is a vast and immersive universe, and locating self-serve bounty kiosks is the first step towards paying off your Freestar Collective bounty. These kiosks can be found in various locations, such as bars and major cities. One popular place to find these kiosks is the Viewport Bar in New Atlantis, but they can also be found in other major cities throughout the galaxy. Additionally, you can add a bounty kiosk to your Outpost or find them at Civilian Outposts.

Section 2: Paying Off Your Bounty at a Bar

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Once you have located a self-serve bounty kiosk, it's time to initiate the payment process and clear your criminal record. To do this, you need to enter the bar where the kiosk is located. In the case of the Viewport Bar in New Atlantis, head towards the back left of the establishment where you will find the designated location for the kiosk. Interact with the bounty kiosk to initiate the payment process.

Upon interacting with the kiosk, you will be presented with prompts on-screen guiding you through the payment process. Follow these prompts carefully to ensure a successful payment and the clearing of your criminal record. The process may involve selecting the specific bounty you wish to pay off and confirming the payment amount.

Section 3: Installing a Bounty Kiosk at Your Outpost

If you own an Outpost, you have the option to install a bounty kiosk within its premises. This provides you with a convenient and private way to pay off your Freestar Collective bounty. To install a bounty kiosk, you need to purchase one from relevant vendors or suppliers within Starfield. These vendors can usually be found in major cities or specialized Outpost supply stores.

Once you have purchased a bounty kiosk, you can install it within your Outpost premises. Choose a location that is easily accessible and secure. This will allow you to pay off your bounty at any time without having to travel to a public location. Installing a bounty kiosk at your Outpost also adds a layer of privacy, ensuring that your payment is kept discreet.

Section 4: Recommended Tips

While paying off your bounty is essential to restore your reputation on United Colony planets, it's equally important to prevent future encounters with the Freestar Collective or any other factions. To avoid continuously paying off bounties, it's advisable to steer clear of illegal activities. Engage in lawful activities that won't attract attention from authorities or factions.

Consider taking on missions and quests that are aligned with the law and contribute to the well-being of the United Colony planets. This not only helps you maintain a clean record but also allows you to contribute positively to the Starfield universe. Additionally, building positive relationships with factions and authorities can enhance your reputation and reduce the likelihood of future bounties being placed on your head.

By following these simple steps, you'll be able to pay off your Freestar Collective bounty and restore your reputation on United Colony planets. Locating self-serve bounty kiosks in bars or major cities, as well as installing them at your Outpost, provides you with convenient options to clear your criminal record. Remember, it's always better to play by the rules and avoid getting into trouble in Starfield. Embrace lawful activities and build positive relationships with factions to enjoy a trouble-free journey through the Starfield universe.

Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows PC
Action role-playing
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Creation Engine 2
Release date:
September 6, 2023
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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