Angel Marquez
2023-09-21 03:07:15

Discover Where To Find Ionic Liquids in Starfield! Our guide provides step-by-step instructions for this crucial quest.

In the vast and unexplored universe of Starfield, Ionic Liquids hold great value and are considered a rare resource. These unique substances can be found on various planets and moons scattered across the galaxy. Whether you prefer the thrill of farming or the excitement of exploration, this comprehensive guide will help you locate and obtain Ionic Liquids with ease.

Farming Methods:

If you enjoy the satisfaction of working the land and reaping the rewards, farming for Ionic Liquids is an excellent option. Here are some prime spots to find these valuable resources:

  • Niira: Head to the planet Niira, known for its rich deposits of Ionic Liquids. Utilize your trusty hand scanner to detect these resources easily. Scan the terrain carefully, and once you locate a deposit, interact with it to collect the Ionic Liquids.
  • Procyon III: This planet boasts a diverse landscape that holds the potential for abundant Ionic Liquids. Explore the surface of Procyon III and use your hand scanner to identify areas where these valuable resources can be found. Interact with the deposits to collect the Ionic Liquids.
  • Procyon III-a: Similar to its neighboring planet, Procyon III-a is another excellent location for finding Ionic Liquids. Explore the moon's surface, scanning and interacting with the resources to obtain the coveted Ionic Liquids.
  • Volii Epsilon: Embark on a journey to Volii Epsilon, a planet renowned for its high concentrations of Ionic Liquids. Use your hand scanner to search for areas rich in these resources and collect them for your ventures.
  • Wellish: Wellish is a planet with diverse landscapes and hidden deposits of Ionic Liquids waiting to be discovered. Make use of your hand scanner to locate these deposits and collect the valuable resources.

Purchasing from Vendors:

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While farming for Ionic Liquids can be an exciting endeavor, it may not always be feasible or efficient. In such cases, you can rely on purchasing Ionic Liquids from vendors in settled systems. One trustworthy vendor known for their wide range of resources, including Ionic Liquids, is Jemison Mercantile. Located in the bustling New Atlantis Spaceport, Jemison Mercantile offers a convenient option for acquiring Ionic Liquids without the need for extensive exploration.

Exploring the Galaxy:

For those who thrive on the thrill of discovery and enjoy the vastness of space, there are opportunities to collect Ionic Liquids while exploring:

  • Corpses: As you engage in battles or encounter non-playable characters (NPCs) and enemies, there is a chance that they may carry Ionic Liquids as loot. Once the encounter is over, be sure to search their remains for any valuable resources they may be carrying, including Ionic Liquids.
  • Loot Crates: Throughout your explorations, keep a keen eye open for loot crates scattered across the galaxy. These crates often contain a variety of valuable resources, including Ionic Liquids. Take the time to investigate and interact with these crates to boost your supply.

It is important to note that drops from corpses and loot crates are part of the RNG (Random Number Generator) loot pool. While not guaranteed, they provide a valuable bonus to your farming efforts and exploration.

Ionic Liquids are a precious resource in the expansive universe of Starfield. Whether you prefer the thrill of farming, the convenience of purchasing, or the excitement of exploration, there are multiple avenues to obtain these valuable resources. Utilize your hand scanner effectively, visit the specific locations mentioned in this guide, or check with reliable vendors like Jemison Mercantile to ensure a steady supply of Ionic Liquids for all your needs in the galaxy. Happy hunting and safe travels! May your adventures in Starfield be filled with the abundance of Ionic Liquids and the wonders of the universe.

Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows PC
Action role-playing
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Creation Engine 2
Release date:
September 6, 2023
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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