Lidia Rozo
2023-09-04 08:07:43

Learn How to Use the Scanner in Starfield. Get expert tips and tricks for exploring space. Your adventure starts here.

Welcome to this friendly guide on how to use the scanner in Starfield. The scanner is a crucial mode of gameplay that provides valuable information to enhance your gaming experience. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of using the scanner effectively and upgrading its capabilities.

Accessing Scanner Mode

To activate the scanner in Starfield, simply press the LB button. This action will transition your heads-up display (HUD) into 'Scanner Mode,' where you'll notice a circular scanning window.

Once you enter 'Scanner Mode,' various types of information become available to you. Let's explore what you can expect from the scanner.

 Information Provided by the Scanner

1. Basic Planet Information: The scanner displays essential details about planets, giving you a better understanding of their characteristics. You can learn about the planet's size, atmosphere, climate, and any notable geographical features. This information helps you plan your exploration and decide which planets to prioritize.

2. Individual Objects or Lifeforms: You can scan individual objects or lifeforms for detailed information, allowing you to learn more about them and their significance within the game. For example, if you come across a new species, scanning them will provide you with information about their behavior, diet, and any potential interactions you can have with them. This adds depth to the game and encourages exploration and discovery.

3. Planet-Wide Results: By utilizing the scanner, you can obtain planet-wide results that provide important insights into various aspects of your exploration. These results include data on resource availability, weather patterns, and potential hazards. Understanding these aspects will help you plan your missions more effectively and minimize risks.

4. New Points of Interest: The scanner helps identify new points of interest for further exploration, ensuring that you don't miss out on any exciting discoveries. It can locate hidden caves, ancient ruins, or rare resources that you can investigate or collect. This feature encourages players to explore every nook and cranny of the game's universe.

5. Fast-Travel and Surface Map Access: Efficient travel is made possible through fast-travel options enabled by using the scanner. You can scan for nearby teleportation points, allowing you to quickly move from one location to another. Additionally, access to surface maps provides a comprehensive view of your surroundings, giving you a better understanding of the terrain and potential areas of interest.

6. Highlighting NPCs, Enemies, and Collectible Objects: With the scanner's assistance, NPCs (non-player characters), enemies, and collectible objects are highlighted, making it easier for you to navigate through dynamic gameplay situations. This feature improves your situational awareness and aids in completing quests or engaging in combat effectively.

7. Highlighting the Best Path Forward: The scanner assists in highlighting the optimal path forward, guiding you towards progress within the game's storyline. This feature ensures that you stay on track with your missions and don't get lost in the vastness of the universe. It keeps the gameplay engaging and helps players feel a sense of accomplishment.

Upgrading Your Scanner

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To enhance your scanning capabilities and unlock additional features, it is essential to upgrade your scanner. The Science skill tree offers three key branches for improvement:

1. Surveying: Invest in the surveying skill to increase the range and zoom distance of your hand scanner, allowing you to explore farther and uncover hidden secrets. With an upgraded surveying skill, you'll be able to scan larger areas and spot distant points of interest.

2. Scanning: Upgrade your scanning ability through this skill, enabling you to detect rare inorganic materials that might otherwise go unnoticed. This is particularly useful for players who are interested in resource gathering and crafting. Scanning rare materials will give you an upper hand in acquiring valuable resources for upgrades or trading.

3. Astronomy: By investing in the astronomy skill, you can improve your ship's scanner, opening up new possibilities for exploration and data acquisition. Upgrading your ship's scanner will provide you with advanced scanning capabilities, such as identifying celestial objects, mapping star systems, and uncovering hidden anomalies. This skill branch is perfect for players who want to delve deeper into the game's lore and take on more challenging quests.

The scanner in Starfield is an indispensable tool that empowers players with valuable information. By following these simple steps and upgrading your scanner through the Science skill tree, you'll be well-equipped for a rewarding journey through the game's vast universe. The scanner enhances your gameplay experience by providing essential information, highlighting points of interest, and aiding in navigation and combat. Get ready to embark on thrilling adventures using the scanner's friendly guidance! Remember: The stars are waiting for you! So grab your scanner, upgrade it, and prepare for an epic journey through the cosmos in Starfield!

Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows PC
Action role-playing
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Creation Engine 2
Release date:
September 6, 2023
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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