Angel Marquez
2023-09-12 06:36:01

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Master the universe faster! Discover How To Fix Starfield Walking Slow. Enhance your gameplay.

Are you tired of walking at a snail's pace in Starfield? Frustrated with your character's slow movement speed? Well, fret not! In this friendly guide, we will delve into the causes behind this issue and provide you with actionable solutions to fix it. So, grab your power armor and let's get started!

Main Cause 1: Caps Lock Issue

One of the main culprits behind slow walking in Starfield is a simple keystroke - the Caps Lock button. Yes, you read that right! Many players have inadvertently pressed this button, unknowingly activating the slow walk feature. But fear not, fixing this issue is a breeze.

To resolve the Caps Lock issue, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Check your keyboard for the Caps Lock key, usually located on the left side.
  • Step 2: If the Caps Lock key is illuminated, indicating that it is activated, press it again to turn it off.
  • Step 3: Launch Starfield and test your character's movement speed.

Voila! Your character should now be walking at a normal pace, ready to explore the vastness of space.

Main Cause 2: Encumbrance Issue

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Another common cause of slow walking in Starfield is carrying too much weight. It's tempting to hoard every weapon, armor, and trinket you come across, but remember, your character has their limits. When encumbered, movement speed is significantly reduced, making even the simplest of tasks a chore.

To combat the encumbrance issue, here are some helpful tips:

  • Inventory Management: Take a moment to assess your inventory. Drop or sell items you no longer need or use. Letting go can be difficult, but your character's walking speed will thank you.
  • Give Items to Companions: Utilize your faithful companions in Starfield. They can carry items for you, lightening your load and increasing your movement speed. Be sure to equip them with suitable gear to maximize their carrying capacity.
  • Storage Containers: Starfield provides various storage containers like ships or transfer containers. Utilize these containers to store items that you don't need to carry with you at all times. This way, you can access them when necessary but won't be burdened by their weight while exploring.
  • Carry Weight Enhancements: Certain garments or skill points can increase your character's carry weight limit. Consider investing in these upgrades to alleviate the encumbrance issue. Additionally, utilizing perks that reduce the weight of certain item categories can also be beneficial.

Other Possible Causes

While the Caps Lock and encumbrance issues are the primary causes of slow walking in Starfield, there are a few other factors worth mentioning.

  • Low Stamina: Keep an eye on your stamina bar. If it depletes, your character will begin to walk slowly. Resting or consuming food and drinks to replenish stamina is essential for maintaining a brisk pace.
  • Game Glitches: Occasionally, Starfield may encounter glitches that affect movement speed. If you suspect this to be the case, try restarting the game or loading a previous save to see if the issue persists. Alternatively, you can consult online forums and communities dedicated to Starfield for potential fixes or workarounds.

Walking slowly in Starfield can be a frustrating experience, hindering your exploration and immersion in the vastness of the game's universe. However, with the help of this friendly guide, you now possess the knowledge and tools to fix this issue and resume your interstellar adventures at a normal pace. Remember, paying attention to your character's carry weight and effectively utilizing companions are key strategies to combat slow walking. Experiment with different approaches that suit your playstyle and needs. Whether you're a loot-hoarding scavenger or a minimalist spacefarer, there is a solution for you.

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