Angel Marquez
2023-09-14 06:57:05

Troubleshoot How to fix Starfield companions not helping in combat using our comprehensive repair guide. 

Starfield is an exciting and immersive game that offers players the opportunity to explore outer space and engage in thrilling battles. However, it can be incredibly frustrating when your companions fail to assist you during combat. This blog post aims to address this issue and provide you with practical solutions to ensure your companions are always by your side, ready to fight. We will explore various reasons for this problem, including weapon and ammo shortages, compatibility issues, and potential game bugs.

Section 1: Talking to Your Companion

In any relationship, communication is key, and the same holds true for your companions in Starfield. To resolve the issue of companions not helping in combat, it is crucial to initiate a conversation with them. This interaction allows you to assess their current state and determine if any adjustments need to be made.

When engaging in a conversation with your companion, ensure that you choose the "Let's Trade Gear" dialogue option. This option allows you to directly access their inventory and make necessary adjustments. By doing this, you can better understand what equipment they have and identify any potential issues that might be hindering their ability to assist you in battle.

Section 2: Checking Ammo and Weapons

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One of the most common reasons for companions not helping in combat is a lack of suitable weapons and ammunition. It is vital to assess your companion's inventory to ensure they are adequately equipped to support you during battles.

Verify if the weapons your companion possesses are compatible with their assigned role in combat. For example, if you have a companion who excels in close-quarter combat, ensure they have a melee weapon or a suitable firearm for short-range engagements. Similarly, if they are better suited for long-range combat, equip them with a sniper rifle or other ranged weapons.

In addition to suitable weapons, it is essential to make sure your companion has enough ammunition. Without ammunition, they cannot effectively contribute to combat scenarios. To address this issue, provide your companion with a weapon that has at least one round of ammo. This will ensure an infinite supply of ammunition for them throughout the game.

Section 3: Dealing with Persisting Issues

While following the steps mentioned earlier should resolve most issues, there may be cases where the problem persists. In such situations, it is crucial to consider potential bugs as the cause of your companion's unhelpfulness in combat.

To address this, try restarting the game or loading from the latest save point before engaging in battle. Sometimes, a simple reset can resolve any underlying issues that may have affected your companion's behavior. If the problem persists even after these steps, it might be worth checking for updates or patches released by the game developers. Developers often release updates to address known issues and bugs, which might include companion behavior in combat.

Having companions who refuse to help in combat can be frustrating and detract from the overall gaming experience. However, by effectively communicating with your companions, checking their weapons and ammunition, and troubleshooting persisting issues, you can overcome this problem in Starfield. Remember the importance of initiating conversations with your companions and using the "Let's Trade Gear" dialogue option to assess their inventory. Ensure your companions have suitable weapons and enough ammunition to contribute effectively in battles. If the issue persists, consider potential bugs and try restarting the game or loading from the latest save point.n By following these steps and troubleshooting effectively, you can ensure your companions are always ready to assist you in combat, enhancing your gameplay experience in Starfield. So, buckle up, engage in interstellar battles, and rest assured that your companions will be right there with you, fighting by your side.

Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows PC
Action role-playing
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Creation Engine 2
Release date:
September 6, 2023
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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