We welcome you to our guide on How to Find Engineering Bay Access Card in Starfield Shattered Space in a specific and detailed way.
What Remains is the name of the first downloadable content mission in Shattered Space. You activate it by traveling to a star system with no other missions beyond the first in the game, "One Small Step." This journey begins with Jemison on New Atlantis.
Begin the expedition "What Remains" to travel to The Oracle space station. No matter where the game takes you, this station will always be available. The "What Remains" quest in your quest log will be turned on upon hearing someone pleading for help on The Oracle. When you board the Oracle is when the expedition will technically begin. To progress this quest, you'll want to pick up the Engineering Bay Access Card. This card opens up controls in the computer room.
Enter The Oracle, and find yourself navigating through a few zero gravity corridors. Eventually, you'll reach a room with a large, pulsing, jelly-like creature in the middle of it. As you enter, you'll find two ghosts waiting for you. It appears one is trying to struggle against getting sucked away. Eventually, you will find a ghost, Basira, who, after a while, will succumb to whatever force keeps them there, and then you will be facing whatever did it.
As Sirak talks, relieve Basira's body of the Oracle Access Card and other items. Meanwhile, Sirak himself is holding on for dear life to avoid being sucked off. Now that you have the Oracle Access Card, head to the far end of the room to find a garage door that you can open with the Oracle Access Card to proceed.
In the next room, you will find this huge structure covered in those blue, jelly-like substances you have seen scattered here and there. In turn, you must be ready to be attacked by three of them. The Oracle houses the three enemies that are called the Phantoms. They are all at least level 35 and able to attack you with lightning. They are brutal, so make sure to stay in cover and shoot whenever possible.
After killing the three Phantoms, a marker will take you through to a computer room. You can access a card reader and get Sirak's Log 1 if you've already found the Engineering Bay Controls, otherwise not. Head through the offices and smaller rooms that are behind the computer area to reach the yellow door. Head downstairs and out the entrance to get to the next area of The Oracle.
You'll have gone down all the steps and big door will be open now. As you can see if you try following the marker, the path forward is blocked by a big brown box in the "Number 3" bay of a storage wall. You will have to go into the computer room and rotate your character in order to move the box. Click the "3" button to drain the third bay. Now, when you go into the storage area, you have access to a hatch going down. Find a bed on the ground floor with a notice board on the headboard, entitled "Engineering Bay Access Card". Walk towards it. Next to a medpack is Sirak's Log 3. Go back to the "Access Card Reader" you skipped earlier by going up the hatch and stairs again. You will need to use the Engineering Bay Access Card to proceed through the next section of the mission.
In conclusion, knowing How to Find Engineering Bay Access Card in Starfield Shattered Space is interesting because it allows us to develop and have more fun in this busy game.