With our help you will see that knowing How To Befriend Willy in Stardew Valley is easier than you think.
A grizzled old fisherman with a gentle demeanor, Willy is among the first interactions players make in Stardew Valley. He presents the player a fishing rod, shows them how to reel in the big catch, and is ready whenever players need fishing materials.
Befriending Willy isn't hard to do, and can give players with very useful perks. Stardew Valley is all about creating connections with others, so take a break from farming to fish with Willy at the docks and provide a gift as a symbol of generosity. He'll especially like acquiring uncommon aquatic specimens!
The best method to win over friends in Stardew Valley is through generosity. To offer Willy a gift, find him in his shop most weekdays, or fishing on Saturday. In the evenings, he'll be at the Stardrop Saloon, or fishing at the beach or river.
Keep in mind that Willy's birthdate is Summer 24. Any present offered on this day will have 8x the typical influence on friendship.
The greatest possibilities to present to Willy, each of these gifts will enhance friendship by 80 points. Some are hard to come by, such as the hard-to-catch fish, but pumpkins and mead are fantastic possibilities. Willy also enjoys books that allow him learn more about his favorite pasttime, as well as important crafting tools.
These work well as alternatives to Loved gifts if players are having trouble obtaining them. Because Willy enjoys a wide variety of seafood meals, players are encouraged to prepare and share their fish catch. Your friendship level will rise 45 points with each.
Players should refrain from offering Willy these gifts because doing so could lead to a decline in their friendship. You should probably avoid giving Willy any of the following presents, even though Hated ones are worse than Disliked ones:
Willy might put a request for a particular item or a challenge for the villagers to capture a particular amount of a certain fish on the "Help Wanted" board outside Pierre's. The player will receive 150 friendship points with Willy and, depending on the item, gold after completing these objectives and speaking with him.
Willy will send the player letters challenging them to capture a certain fish twice.
In the first year of Winter 2, Willy issues a challenge to the player: capture a squid. Completing the task will grant the player gold and one friendship heart with Willy, albeit it is not an easy task.
Willy has an even greater obstacle on Winter 13 of year two when he tries to catch lingcod. The player will receive additional cash and another friendship heart if they are successful in capturing a lingcod as requested.
It comes to light that Willy is quite the chef, always prepared to create a mouthwatering dish using any fish he catches. Willy delivers four recipes, which is much more than the average villager. As one might expect, they all supply fishing enhancements.
That's all for How To Befriend Willy in Stardew Valley, just follow the instructions to get it.