Lidia Rozo
2022-09-23 09:55:17

Today we bring a guide where we will tell you how to beat the mole knight in Shovel Knight Dig.

Who is the mole knight in Shovel Knight Dig?

  This is nothing more than an enemy that it is necessary to defeat and that is not new, this was seen in previous games so we should be a little familiar with it, so it is necessary to know how to beat the mole knight in Shovel Knight Dig , this considering that this enemy has the ability to make homemade attacks based on fires.

How to beat the mole knight in Shovel Knight Dig?

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We must be skillful to defeat him, jumping and receiving a spade bounce to do damage is our best option because this enemy tends to enter and exit the sides of the screen to cross through the middle, however, we must be careful with the sparks that usually come from the back of the enemy because they can hurt us if they connect.

 During this first phase of the fight there is another attack that this enemy has and that makes him submerge in the water, we must jump on the athlete type case to avoid being hit, we must stay clear when jumping into the air for a blow attack, that is It is possible that when landing we receive damage, here we must avoid small alcoves because we could be cornered.

 Knowing how to beat the mole knight in Shovel Knight Dig makes it necessary to continue fighting and there is a second phase of the fight, but since this enemy has half the HP he will use a new attack, while he jumps and spins down he usually throws large drops of water, we must avoid the first part, then, the bubbles rise and this makes it mobilize fish enemies, we can bounce off the bubbles and get them into the air, but it is better to drop more enemies, it only involves avoiding the bubbles, We will see that our enemy moves fast, but we will remain prepared for the attacks and it will only be enough to be attentive to the movements that he can make to counteract and defeat him.

 We can conclude this guide on How to beat the mole knight in Shovel Knight Dig, it will only be enough to be attentive to each movement and attack.

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video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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