Pay attention if you want to know how to beat Ekriks Greycloud in Salt and Sacrifice, because here we have everything you need.Who is Ekriks Greycloud in Salt and Sacrifice?
This is one of the mages you'll find in Salt and Sacrifice Ekriks Greycloud's Ashbourne Village, much like Mourning Winter throws ice. The Precipice of Chaos, Ekriks Greycloud revolves entirely around electricity and is a pretty strong enemy, so knowing how to beat Ekriks Greycloud will go a long way.
How to beat Ekriks Greycloud in Salt and Sacrifice? - Ekriks
The first thing to note is that yellow is a color that you will see many times during this encounter. Understanding Ekriks' attacks well is very important to defeating him. This enemy uses a sword, but he attacks in a unique way.
How to beat Ekriks Greycloud in Salt and Sacrifice?
You can find this enemy in Valesnight Square, on the platforms below The Green Huntsman boss arena. You will need to jump to start the quest.
The first hit can be easily dodged, but you'll need to be ready to dodge the second. He will slam his sword into the ground, unleashing columns of blade lightning in both directions, which you'll need to get past to attack him comfortably.
Ekriks can fire columns of lightning at any point in the arena, so we recommend passing them outside of the sword combo. This enemy also has two different electric orb attacks: one is a pair that floats around you, shooting sporadic sparks in a fairly large impact area. Although you can find a safe place under them and attack, it is best to back away.
The other orb will zoom in and then explode into three smaller sparks, which you must dodge.
It's important to attack long enough, dance around his hits, heal as much as you can, and attack whenever you can, until your current is cut off.
This is all you need on how to beat Ekriks Greycloud in Salt and Sacrifice, so hopefully you can finish off this enemy as quickly as possible.
Platform(s): PlayStation 5 PS5, PlayStation 4 PS4, Microsoft Windows PC
Developer(s): Ska Studios, Devoured Studios
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