Angel Marquez
2023-07-21 08:27:32

Learn the steps How to Solve the Chess Puzzle in Postultant’s Parlor in Remnant 2! Our guide will help you.

In the enchanting world of Remnant 2, a captivating chess puzzle awaits in the renowned Postulant's Parlor. This mind-boggling challenge demands strategic thinking and careful calculation. Finding the right moves within this puzzle is not only a test of your intellectual prowess but also holds the key to unlocking hidden treasures and unraveling a captivating storyline. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of this chess puzzle and explore the strategies to conquer it.

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve the Chess Puzzle in Postultant’s Parlor, follow these steps:

  • Take a middle piece and move it diagonally to the top-left slot: Start by selecting a middle piece on the chessboard and move it diagonally to the top-left slot. This move will create an opening for further maneuvers.
  • Move the bottom piece to the center slot: Now, focus on the bottom piece and move it to the center slot. This move will help in creating a path for the next piece.
  • Move the centerpiece to the top middle slot: With the bottom piece in place, shift your attention to the centerpiece. Move it to the top middle slot. This move will set the stage for the next crucial step.
  • Move the left-hand piece to the center: Now, it's time to work on the left-hand piece. Move it to the center slot, ensuring a clear path for the centerpiece.
  • Move the centerpiece diagonally to the top right slot: Finally, complete the puzzle by moving the centerpiece diagonally to the top right slot. This move will unlock the solution and lead to victory.

Additional Notes

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While following the step-by-step solution mentioned above should help you solve the Chess Puzzle in Postultant’s Parlor, it's important to note a few additional points:

  • - The puzzle may initially appear random and require some trial and error. Don't get discouraged if your first attempts don't yield the desired result. Keep practicing and take your time to analyze the board.
  • - The provided solution has worked for the author of this blog post. However, due to the puzzle's nature, it may not be foolproof. Be prepared to adapt and try alternative approaches if needed.


Solving the Chess Puzzle in Postultant’s Parlor comes with a great reward. Opening the door that follows the successful chess match will grant you access to a highly ranked weapon. This weapon is specifically designed for the Hunter Archetype, making it a valuable addition to your arsenal.

In conclusion, the chess puzzle in Postulant's Parlor in Remnant 2 is a challenging and rewarding test of your chess skills. By understanding the puzzle, emphasizing the importance of finding the right moves, and following the tips provided, you can improve your chances of solving this intricate challenge. Remember, patience and determination are key to overcoming any obstacle in chess. So, don't give up, keep practicing, and may you find success in your quest to solve the chess puzzle in Postulant's Parlor!